Page 85 of High Stakes

Aiden: I miss you already.

I don’t get time to have a proper chat with Aria because I have bride after bride booked in to discuss designs. It’s not like we haven’t spoken every day anyway, but I was looking forward to seeing her for a proper catch up.

I’m about to slip out to grab us both lunch, when the door opens and Laurie saunters in. I inwardly groan as a sneer spreads over her perfectly made up face. “Isabella,” she greets coldly.

“How are you?” I ask, remaining professional.

She rubs a hand over her swollen stomach and a pang of heartache hits my chest. “We’re doing great. You? How far along are you now?” Her eyes fall to my stomach. It’s clear I’m no longer pregnant just by my skinny jeans hanging low on my hips. She covers her mouth, “Shit, sorry, Aiden did tell me, but I’ve got baby brain.” She forces a sympathetic smile that doesn’t look very sincere. “How are you? Aiden said you’re coping well, considering.”

The lump in my throat swells and I fight the tears threatening to fall. I won’t give this bitch the satisfaction. “I wasn’t aware Aiden was still speaking to you after you lied to him.”

“Oh sweetie,” she says in a condescending tone that instantly irks me. “Aiden and I . . .” she taps her chin thoughtfully. “We’re meant to be. And it doesn’t matter what happens between us, he always comes running back because no one,” she narrows her eyes, “And I meanno one, can handle him the way I can.”

“You think he’s going to take you back when you’re having your husband’s baby?” I laugh, shaking my head. The woman is delusional.

“You poor thing,” she says, smirking, “He already has.” And then she turns on her heel and leaves.

I brace myself against the counter. She’s lying, of course she is. Aiden’s been with me the entire week. Unless . . . well he did pop out here and there, maybe he met her, and they sorted things out. The thought makes me sad. My phone alerts me to a text message.

Aiden: Still missing you. It’s been a long day. Stay with me tonight. I’ll make dinner.

I stare at the words and realise I don’t trust him. I have no idea if Laurie is telling the truth and that terrifies me. What if we get a year down the line and she’s still in his life, causing us shit? What if she gives birth and the baby turns out to be his? I ignore the text, turning my phone off and putting it away.

I head home and am disappointed to see Cal isn’t here. I take a long bath and get into my pyjamas. It’s nice to be home, but I’m missing Aiden’s company. I climb into bed and read a book until my eyes grow heavy.

I wake sometime later. It’s dark and I feel around for my mobile and turn it on. It’s almost midnight. My phone immediately begins beeping with text message alerts. The first is from Aiden.

Aiden: Dinner is getting cold, are you okay?

Followed by . . .

Aria: Aiden called and said you’ve missed dinner? Are you okay?

Aria: Bella, call me. Aiden is seriously blowing up my phone.

Aiden: Bella, why is your phone off? I called by the shop and you’re not there. I’m heading over to the apartment.

That was sent over an hour ago and I wonder if he knocked on and gave up or if he decided to camp out on the doorstep.

Me: Aria, I’m fine. Aiden is being dramatic. See you tomorrow x

I place my mobile back on the nightstand and snuggle back into bed.

“You’re not going to reply to me?” I scramble to sit up at the sound of Aiden’s voice. I make out a figure in the chair by the window.

“Jesus, Aiden, you scared me.”

He moves quickly, crawling over me until I’m flat on my back. “And you scared me, Bella,” he hisses. “I was going out of my mind with worry.”

A pang of guilt hits my chest. “Well as you can see, I’m fine.”

“Unlike the steak I cooked for you, which is now cold and dried up.”

“I never said I’d be there.”

“You never said you wouldn’t,” he counters. “Don’t scare me like that again, Bella,” he adds in a whisper, before pressing his lips to mine. I groan into his mouth, enjoying the closeness. He pulls back, “Where were you?”

“At work, and then I came home. I turned my phone off,” I admit. “I needed some space.”