Page 14 of High Stakes

“Thought you’d never get here,” she mutters, opening the door wider for me to step inside. My heart sinks a little, this isn’t where I want to be right now.

I look around the hotel room, noticing she’s already ordered me a bottle of my favourite whiskey. She sits on the edge of the bed. “Who is she?”

I bite my tongue in annoyance, “Nobody important, Laurie.”

“You never post pictures of other women on socials,” she points out with a pout.

I roll my eyes as I crawl onto the bed, placing my hands either side of her. She lays back.

“Are we really going to waste time talking about unimportant shit, or are we gonna fuck?” She places her hands above her head, and I pull my tie off and use it to bind them. “And stop stalking me on socials, you’re married.” I nip the top of her breast, and she arches her back off the bed, smiling.

“Don’t post pictures of you in bed with other women. How would you feel if I posted pictures of me and other men?”

I crawl over her body until I’m sat over her chest and flick open my button, pulling out my cock. I lift her head, lining her mouth up with my erection. “It doesn’t botherme, and you shouldn’t care what I think, worry about what your husband thinks.”

When she opens her mouth to speak, I press forward, my cock filling her mouth and touching the back of her throat. She takes it all, her eyes watering as I fuck her mouth. It doesn’t take me long before I’m almost ready to release into her, all the build up with Bella has me in knots. I pull out and Laurie gasps for breath. “Fuck, what’s gotten into you Aiden?” she snaps.

“Don’t pretend you don’t like how I give it, Laurie,” I grin, tapping her backside so she’ll turn over. She does so without protest, sticking her arse up in the air. “It’s the reason you call, so I can use you, fuck you,” I push in to her tight pussy, “Do all the things that he doesn’t do, the things you don’t tell him you like in case he dumps your trashy arse.” I coat my cock in her juices and then line it with her puckered backside. I push forward and she lets out a deep, low moan.

“And does she let you do all this shit to her, Aiden?” she pants, looking back at me over her shoulder. I grip the back of her neck, forcing her head to look forward before I push her face into the pillows, holding her down whilst I fuck her hard and fast.

“You just concentrate on pleasing me, don’t worry about what anyone else does for me.”



I finally stumble my way into Tremos, the nightclub that Aiden lives above. JP is behind the main bar, and I lean over, so he can hear me. “Large white wine please, JP.” He places a large wine glass on the bar top and takes a bottle from the fridge. “Where’s Aiden?” he asks.

“I’m not his keeper,” I mutter, and he frowns, filling my glass to halfway and sliding it towards me. I go to pay but he waves me away. I glance to my left and a man is staring at me. He smiles and I return it before sliding closer andtaking the vacant seat beside him. “Hi, I’m Luke,” he says, offering his hand.

“Bella,” I say, slipping my hand into his. He kisses the back and I swoon a little. I love a gentleman.

We chat and he tells me he’s a university lecturer. He amuses me with stories of his own student days, comparing them to his students now. I missed out on those options because of dad, I was too scared to leave him alone. My grades were outstanding, I could have easily gone off to Uni, but I was desperate to keep the roof over our heads so had to get a job instead. Time passes quickly as we chat, and it isn’t until the doorman steps over to ask us to drink up, I realise the lights have come on. I glance at my watch and I’m disappointed to see it's almost three in the morning. I’m not ready to leave, I like Luke, so I ask, “Why don’t we grab a coffee? I know a little all-night café just around the corner.”

To my relief, he smiles, “Sounds like a plan, lead the way.”

“Bells where are you off?”

JP heads over, throwing a cloth over his shoulder, “Where you off, Bella?”

I frown, “I didn’t realise I had to give you a run down, JP?” I add an amused laugh to hide my embarrassment. Luke must be wondering what the hell is going on.

“Perhaps you should call it a night?” he suggests. I scoff, grabbing Luke’s hand and leaving.

We get into the café and order two coffees before taking a seat. “Who was that guy, your brother?” Luke asks.

I laugh, “Would you believe me if I said I hardly know him at all?”

“He seemed pretty concerned about you.”

“I’m staying with his friend for a few days, he’s helping me out. I think his friends seem to have taken on some kind of protection role.” I roll my eyes. “It’s been a mad few days.”

“Are they anything to do with the . . .” he trails off, pointing to my face.

“No,” I rush to say, “Nothing to do with any of them.”

“It’s just he was a big guy; I don’t want him doing that to my face.”