“Did our first marital romp put you in the mood to jam?” I ask with a smile and he chuckles, removing the pick from his mouth.
“No…” he chides in facetious tone, “but get used to that.” He raises his eyebrows, reminding me we’re going to be seeing quite a bit more of each other now. “I just thought I’d give you a little wedding present,” he finishes quietly, looking between me and the beautiful guitar he’s tuning in his lap.
“Are you serious?” I ask as my heart thuds several times in my chest.
“Of course I’m serious.” He looks up again while picking a few strings and twisting the pegs. “You underestimate the inspiration you bring to me.”
I swallow the happy sob that tries to bubble up out of my throat as I bring a knee up to my chest and wrap my arms around it.
Jack looks every bit the rock star in a romantically gothic music video with the way the candlelight illuminates his tattoos and the lines of his muscles as he starts strumming a hauntingly beautiful melody.
It looks like a song he’s still working on as he falters a little before finding the chord progression he wants, strumming out a few bars before his low velvety voice joins in.
Come over here now darlin’
Let me hold you for a while
Put your lovin’ arms around me
Keep me company with your smile
The song carries on, every note making my heart want to burst.I’m overjoyed and feeling nothing but love.Love for this song, for this moment… and unbelievable love for him. The blood in my veins feels like it’s shimmering like water in the sun, and I feel close to dizzy. He seems to be approaching the bridge as the momentum of his strumming picks up and he keeps switching his eyes from his guitar to mine and back again.His upper body is slightly twisting back and forth with the words and themelody as he starts to sing a little louder, projecting the emotion for the climatic part of the song.
I don’t know who sent you,
Some kind of higher power
Doesn’t matter ‘cause you’re here with me
And this love is only ours.
I didn’t know I was waiting for you,
That I was waiting for so long
And oh…
Baby, this is your song
He finishes the song with one last strum and looks at me with a loving smile.
“You wrote that?”
“Yeah,” he shifts the guitar to the side. “I started it around the first time I kissed you. I’ve been kind of going back and forth between working on this and See Her.”
“Oh my God,” I breathe out, shoving a hand in my hair, trying to get a grip.
“Yeah, face it, baby,” he snickers, “you’ve inspired two songs, and I already know they won’t be the last.”
I scoff out a breath at that last part and he lays a hand on my leg, his warmth conducting through the sheet. “Hey,” he says sternly. “You’ve inspired a man to write songs about you. Deal with it.”
I blink as a giggle travels up from my belly. “Is that one going on the demo too?”
“No,” he shakes his head. “That one’s just for us.”
“Only ours,” I voice out loud. “I kind of love that.” I draw in a deepbreath, determined to accept this beautiful reality. “Will you sing me another one?”
“What do you want to hear?” He brings his guitar back across his lap.