Page 35 of See Her

My heart has never pounded so hard, and I’ve never been so driven to chase a feeling while not quite wanting to catch up with it. I want to come so much, yet I don’t want to stop. It’s exceeded everything I could have imagined this would be like with Mayzie, yet I can’t get enough. I can’t get deep enough, close enough.

Taking her hand, I wrap it behind me, leaving her arm around my neck as I run my hand down its length to her shoulder. Down the side of her body, my hand travels until it reaches behind her thigh, just below her ass, hiking it up just enough to give me more access. I anchor her in place as I thrust deeper; harder.

“Fuck, Maze,” I groan out breathlessly, driving and pushing with relentless vigor. Her breathing is shallow and rapid beneath me, punctuated with ecstatic cries in between. It’s music to my fucking ears, and I want to tell her how much I love her as I push into her again and again, but I restrain myself. This can’t be the first time I tell her.

“Look at me,” I gently beckon as my other hand comes up to grip the headboard. Her grey eyes look crystal as she sweetly obeys, and then they widen for me as I drive in deeper than before, her hips pumping perfectly against mine as our slow rhythm resumes, only deeper; more pronounced. Her other arm leaves my waist to join the other around my neck, holding on tight as I thrust into her.

I just had the undeniable privilege of holding her while she let me make her fall apart. This time, I’m coming with her.

“God,” the word comes out of me on a guttural groan as I keep coursing into her in deep, long strokes, like I’m trying to make us share the same body.

Mayzie’s head is craned back as she sensuously moans beneath me. The sound sends another surge through me, and I gratefully respond by kissing hungrily up her throat, letting my tongue sneak out to taste her skin. That’s when I feel her tighten. Her pussy is squeezing me and her moaning gets louder, more desperate. I’m right there with her as I grunt and groan against her neck, my cock swelling more with each plunge.

“Are you close, baby?” I ask, barely breathing the words out.

“Yes… oh my God,” she keens, her nails sinking into my back, and that’s the moment I detonate.

“Fuck!” I ram into her as she cries out. Over and over, I pump into her, cum shooting out with each stroke. “Maze!” I groan, my pelvis still rolling against hers as her body ripples underneath me. My cock is throbbing and I drop my forehead against hers, silently willing her to bring me down.

After a moment, I can no longer hold out and my body buckles, collapsing gently on Mayzie and giving her my weight. Not wanting to crush her, I use my last ounce of strength to roll us, pulling her to lie on top of me.

Our bodies rise and fall together, desperate for breath and damp with sweat. Mayzie’s breath sweeps across my skin from where her cheek rests on my chest, and my arms come around her, holding her tight against me like I’m keeping both her, and this feeling, from drifting away.



Jack and I lay together for some time, breathless, hearts beating rapidly. I breathe in his skin while he skates his fingers all over the skin of my back. It’s not until both our breathing has slowed and we’re completely relaxed that he gets up to dispose of the condom, giving me the most stunning view of his sculpted ass on his way to the bathroom, as well as the tattoo of a radio dial inked behind his left shoulder. The dial’s switch is cranked all the way to the right, and I feel myself smiling at the clever reference to his band.

When he returns, he promptly climbs back in the bed with me and pulls me to sit facing him in his lap. My legs straddle around his waist while he wraps the covers around us and locks his arms around my middle.

I giggle affectionately as he settles us in the position, and my eyes land on the ink on his chest I hadn’t seen before tonight.

“What’s this?” I ask quietly as I trace my finger over the wings of a dove that have been etched into the smooth skin on the right side. The bird sits on a branch, backlit by the sun, with its wings spread like it’s about to take flight.

“A little tribute to my mom,” he answers, continuing to cradle me close, as I have him lead me on a tour of his other markings. Some are music related, some are symbolic, and some are self–proclaimed teenaged mistakes that he just thought looked cool, which humanizes and makes me melt into the idea of him even more.

“You know…” Jack cuddles me a little closer and I lace my fingers behind his neck. “We could get one done together.”

“What, like identical? Or just at the same time?”

“I don’t think it really matters. If we just got one at the same time, it would still give us a connection. Or we could come up with a design together.”

“Wanna merge our names, and get ‘Jayzie’?” I ask, smiling and sticking my tongue out.

“Oh hell no,” he says with a chuckle.

“Ride or die?”

“I’m serious!” he says, leaning in to nip at my neck, making me emit a gleeful yelp before pulling back again. “Really, though. What do you think?”

“Yeah,” I say, grinning at this crazy idea. “I’m in.”

“That’s my girl,” Jack whispers before turning his head to kiss my arm, but his eyes are semi-serious once he looks up to regard me from under his lashes.

“What?” I chance a smile. This is normally the part where a guy tells me he’s about to be really busy in the coming weeks, or some other evasive cliché. I don’t let my mind go there, though, and instead give him my eyes while I wait for him to respond.

“I have something to tell you,” he husks out.