I bite my tongue.

“Oh, shoot. I’m getting a call from a client. Gotta go.”

“Okay, well, if?—”

The call ends before I can finish my sentence. I drop my phone on the nightstand just as I hear the shower kick on. As a sudden headache announces itself deep within my skull, I drop onto the bed and cup my temples with my palms, trying hard not to picture Tessa in the shower right now.

Fuck me.



“What’s up, Little Bit?” Garrett’s voice draws me out of the video game I’m playing while I sit on my bedroom floor. I pause it and turn around to face him. He’s sweaty from practice, a dark patch on the front of his blue shirt. If he turned around, I’m betting there’s a matching one on the back.

“Oh. Hey. Smash Bros. You want to play?” I hold up a spare controller. “Britney’s on her way, so we can both kick your butt.”

He opens his mouth, but before he can answer, Will’s voice fills the hallway and soon he appears in my doorway next to Garrett. Cory and Justin are close behind him. “We’re going to the park to shoot some hoops with the guys. Where’s Mom?”

I turn back around to the TV. “She took food to the church for Joan Margaret’s granddaughter’s baby shower. Aren’t you supposed to do your chores after practice?Beforeyou go anywhere?”

“I’ll do them later,” he says.

“We can wait on you,” Garrett offers.

“It’s fine,” Will says. “Come on. Let’s go. Brendan and Mark are probably already there.”

“You can come with us if you want.”

It takes me a second to realize Garrett’s talking to me. “Thanks, but no thanks. Britney’s on her way, remember?” Besides, no matter how much I actually enjoy hanging around my brother’s friends, the idea of watching them play ball for hours on end is about as appealing as having my legs waxed, and I don’t plan to do that anytime soon either.

Britney’s always bragging that it’s so much easier than shaving, but no thank you.

“I’ll be fine here.” When I look over, Garrett is the only one still standing in my doorway, watching me. “Have fun.”

“Garrett, come on!” my brother shouts from out of sight.

“Coming.” He jogs out of my doorway, and seconds later, I hear the boys running down the hall and out the door. Once it slams shut, I crawl across the floor to grab my phone, pressing one—Britney’s speed dial number—to see where she is.

On my knees next to my nightstand, I can see out the window as the boys make their way down the street. My brother is in the center of the group, always the unofficial leader, with Garrett and Cory just next to him. Justin is lagging behind on his phone.

“Hello?” Britney sings in my ear, but I hardly hear it.

When Garrett turns his head back toward the house, glancing up at my window, I swear it’s as if he’s looking for me. Like he can feel me watching him—them.I was watchingthem.


I shut the curtain quickly. “Sorry, hey. Are you almost here?”

“Pulling in any moment. Sorry, Dad made me help with the pool before I could leave.”

“No biggie. See you in a bit.”

“Love ya.” She makes a kissing sound into the phone.

“Love ya back.” I end the call and sit back down to finish my game, making a mental note to do the dishes once this round ends. It’s not my job, but there’s no way they’ll be back in time for Will to do them before Mom gets home.

As I play, my mind keeps drifting back to Garrett. I find myself doing that more often now, though I can’t explain why.