I cross my arms. “It’s freezing. You’re going to get sick.”

She splashes water in my direction. “We’re fine. Go away.”

“Get out of that water before I come in there and make you come out.”

“That’s what you want to do anyway, isn’t it?” Britney taunts. “Maybe I should just leave you two alone.”

“No!” Tessa cries.

I bite down on my cheek so hard it hurts. “Are you scared of me, Tessa?”

“No,” she says, but her voice quivers. It’s not for the reason it seems, though, and we both know it. She’s not scared I’ll hurt her. She knows I’d sooner die. She’s…she’s scared of what might happen if we’re alone. If we’d had a few more minutes in that closet.

“Get out of the water before I come and get you.”

“You’re not the boss of me.”

“You’re acting like a child.”

“You’re acting like a parent.”

Britney laughs. “Okay, okay. Turn around, and I’ll get dressed and go inside, and then you two can work this out however you see fit.”

I do as I’m told, closing my eyes as I hear splashing in the water and then squishy footsteps behind me. There are a few hurried breaths, and then Britney sighs right behind me. “Okay, it’s safe.”

I turn back around to find Britney dressed. She wrings water out of her hair before heading for the house. “Alright, you two. Play nice, you hear me?”

Tessa’s stubborn ass is still in the water. She crosses her arms and sticks out her tongue at me. “Party pooper.”

“I’m not being a party pooper. It’s not safe.”

“We were perfectly fine until you came along.”

I click my tongue. “I disagree. It’s freezing. You’re probably going to get pneumonia. Come on. Get out of the water.”

“Oh my god.” She lifts defiant fists and slams them into the water. “Is this what it’s going to be like now?”


Behind me, I hear Britney shut the door to the house, but I barely register it. All I can focus on is the fact that Tessa is just feet away from me and completely naked.

I try to think of something else. Anything else.

Sweet potatoes. Spongebob. Books. Socks. Mr. Feffernan. Gym class. Toe rings. Toes in general. That one time I fell on stage during the class Christmas pageant in front of the whole school.

“We kissed, and now you think you can control me?” Tessa has moved closer, so now I can see just a little bit more of her and the view is intoxicating. I can’t even pretend to look away.

“I’m not trying to control you,” I balk, though to be fair, I guess I am. “Or if I am, it’s because you scared the shit out of me. Whoever killed Amber Allen and her mom is still out there. The parents are scared. The police are scared. When I realized you were missing, I just…” I puff out a breath. “Panicked. You’re so stubborn, it drives me mad sometimes.”

“Maybe that’s why I do it.” She’s fighting a smile, but I see it in her eyes.

“Yeah, I kind of thought so.” I wrinkle my brow, waving a hand at her. “And, for the record, we didn’t kiss.”

She purses her lips. “That’s what you’re thinking about right now? God, you’re such a guy.”

If you had any idea what I’m thinking about right now…“I’m just saying. What happened in the closet was a kiss I’d give my grandmother, and even that was interrupted.”

“Whatever, Garrett. The point is that I’m not a child. I’m not your little sister. You can’t boss me around.”