“Could you, like, stop eating for just a second?” Britney asks, her upper lip curled as she digs her hand into the cup, swirling it around. “If I have to kiss you, I swear to God, I’m making you brush your teeth first.”
Will leans forward, puckering up and shaking his head back and forth slowly, taunting her. “Come on, babe, you know you want to kiss these cheesy lips.”
She squeals and jumps back, pulling the first name out of the cup. She unfolds the paper slowly, building the tension as herlips curve into a smile, and she scans each of our faces. I feel like I might explode if she doesn’t say something right now.
What am I going to do if she says it’s him? If Tessa goes into a closet with Brendan? This game is so fucking dumb.
Why would anyone want to pla?—
“Tessa’s up first,” Britney cries, holding up the name so we can all see it.
Tessa’s hands come together in front of her, and she bounces up on her toes, not out of excitement but out of nerves.
“And…” Next name. I swear my heart is pounding so loudly I can no longer hear her. My ears burn hot as I watch her read the name, then fold it back up. Her eyes gleam as they flick up to meet mine. “Garrett.”
Everything explodes.
Back at the house, I take another shower, letting the warm water wash away the mess of the day. I’m exhausted and conflicted about staying. The more I dwell on it, I’m finding I’m just as conflicted about leaving.
I want to see Will, of course, and won’t leave before he’s back in a few days, but I’m also sad about the fact that Mom’s alone so much. With Will traveling, Garrett and I are all she has, and it’s not fair to expect Garrett to do the most of any of us.
Where does that leave me?
Aside from that, I’m torn about Britney. Whatever happened to her, it’s not my business. I left town after graduation for a reason. I don’t know her as well as I did anymore, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love her and want answers and justice for her family.
And then there’s the note I found in Mom’s room. I still want to find out who left it and why. There’s a chance Garrett is right, of course, and it wasn’t anything, but what are the odds?
It’s too much of a coincidence, especially if Britney’s death is related to the others. And if someone knows what happened back then…
I can’t leave without knowing. I have to go back and visit her again. Try to get some answers for Mom’s sake, to keep her protected. At least that’ll give me some sort of closure. Maybe I can even get Will to go, too. That’ll be my goal.
Now out of the shower, I dress in sweatpants and a Gracie Abrams T-shirt, running a comb through my wet hair before heading into the living room. Garrett’s there with two bags of takeout waiting on the coffee table.
“I ordered from Domenico’s. Thought you might be hungry.” He stands there, watching me, waiting to see what I’ll say as if he thinks I might be angry.
“Starving, actually.” I haven’t eaten since breakfast in the car on the way down here. “Thank you.”
He holds out two bags. “Meatball or Turkey?”
I purse my lips, knowing he doesn’t need to ask, and he smirks, handing me the bag with the meatball sub. “Oh, did you?—”
“Yes, I asked for extra pickles and tomatoes, you monster.”
“You’re amazing.” I squeal with delight as I tear into my bag, flopping down on the couch and kicking my feet up onto the table. “Oh my god,” I say after my first bite, my mouth still full. “I forgot how much I missed this place.”
He drops a napkin in my lap and sits down next to me. “It missed you, too,” he says.
“Does that meanyoumissed me?”
“Please.” He scoffs, taking a bite of his own sandwich and grinning when I have to dab a smear of marinara sauce from my lips. “I’m counting down until you get the heck out of Dodge.”
“Just for that, I’m staying forever.” I wiggle my toes. “Get used to it.”
He huffs out a breath of laughter through his nose, shaking his head.