It’s something I learned to ignore years ago. Besides, I like Will’s friends, for the most part. With only one year’s difference in our ages, it means we’ve always gotten along well enough. I was never the baby sister annoyingly tagging along. At least, if I was, they hid it well.

My eyes flick to Garrett without thought, and his face is serious. Stoic, even. He doesn’t smile, just stares back at me.

When I look back at my brother, there’s no hint of a smile on his lips either. My stomach flips with worry.

“Well?” I prompt.

“Did you hear about Amber Allen?”

My stomach drops. Amber Allen is in my grade. Is she pregnant? Did she run away from home? She’s not really someone I’d consider a friend—we’ve never hung out outside of school or anything like that—but in a town this small, everyone is pretty friendly with each other. We don’t have room to be choosy, and even if we did, I like Amber. I don’t want her to be in any sort of trouble.

Will licks his lips, huffing another deep breath. “You can’t tell anyone we told you.”

“O-okay.” I put the book down, adjusting onto my knees. Whatever it is, it’s serious.

“Amber and her mom were…” Checking behind him, almost for confirmation from his friends that he should keep going, he nods. “They were found dead this morning.”

I get that sick feeling I have in health class when we talk about illnesses and diseases. My fingers hurt. My muscles are sore. Nothing about my body feels right. “What are you talking about?” It’s too horrible to be true. This is the most disgusting prank Will has ever tried to pull. I shove him off my bed. “Stop it. Don’t be awful!”

“He’s serious, Tessa,” Garrett’s voice cuts through the chaos, and I stop yelling at my brother long enough to listen.

“He can’t be.” Someone is sitting on my chest.Twosomeones. It’s ice cold, and I can’t draw in a breath. “You’re lying. All of you.”

But I know…somehow, I know they’re not.

“Why would you say that? How would you know?” I ask finally.

“Everyone’s talking about it.” Will moves to the window and pulls back my curtains, lifting a blind to stare outside into the darkness. “The sheriff just announced a curfew, chased us offfrom the basketball court. No one can be out past dark anymore while they’re investigating.”

“Why?” I move next to him, looking out the window too. “What happened to them? Two people don’t just drop dead at the same time unless…”

His eyes dart back and forth between mine, and there’s a confirmation there, even before he nods. “Yeah. I know. They think someone hurt ’em, Tessa. They think they were murdered.”

It’s as if someone traces their cold finger down my spine. “Who told you that?”

“I already told you. Everyone was talking about it down at the park. Tye Prince and Aaron Harper and Brett Johnson.”

“How would any of them have known?” I sneer, but I know he’s not lying. I just hate that he’s not.

“Aaron’s dad is friends with Sheriff Ward,” Cory says, wiping sweat from his brow, his skin glistening in the glow of my overhead light. His gaze is fixed on me, willing me to understand. “Aaron overheard him talking to his mom about it.”

“No one’s allowed to go out. The cops are patrolling the streets,” Garrett adds. “Like he said, they made us leave the ball court and told us we had to get home. We all came here to wait for our parents since your house was the closest.”

“Parents. Oh no. Where’s Mom?” I ask, as a sudden weight sinks in my chest. “Does she know?” She’s worked as a cleaner for the Allens for years. “She’ll be so upset.”

“She’s fixin’ dinner,” Will says. “She was on the phone with someone when we came in. Sounded like that’s what they were talking about, though. Everyone will know by morning.”

“I have to call Britney.” I grab the pink Razr on my nightstand and flip it open, about to speed dial her.

Will snaps his hand over mine, closing the phone. “Are you dense? You just heard me tell you not to tell anyone.”

“Oh, come on. It’s Britney. She’s not going to say anything to anyone.”

“Yeah.” He snorts. “Okay.”

“She won’t. Besides, who is left to tell? You guys already know, which means a lot of other people do too. You said everyone is talking about it.”

“Yeah, but Aaron wasn’t supposed to tell us. He could get into big trouble if his dad finds out he ran his mouth. You gotta keep quiet until Mom tells you.”