“I think I could handle that.”
He angled his head back, all arrogance and handsomeness. “You think?” When I furrowed my brow, his mouth tilted in what I could only describe as an absolutely filthy smirk. “It’s been a long time, babe. I’m not sure you could handle me.”
“I’ve handled you fine all these years.”
He squeezed me tighter as all the sarcasm drained from his words. “But I haven’t seen you in six months. We have a lot of making up to do.”
He said it so plainly, it almost hurt more. He was so secure in our relationship. It was like he didn’t care that we hadn’t seen each other in six months. He didn’t seem to be dying inside like I was.
“Come on.” He pulled me forward, hurrying up the three blocks to my apartment building, all but pushing me inside my door when we finally arrived. Imka was off somewhere fabulous while Nadine had gone home to her family for the holidays. I didn’t currently have the money to go home, so Evan and I had agreed to see each other in the new year when tickets wouldn’t be so high priced and when we each had more time.
I could only imagine how much his plane ticket cost. And it’s not like he had a ton of money. He’d graduated in May and started working immediately after, but his family’s farm wasn’t exactly a huge money-maker.
“Don’t feel bad,” he told me because, of course, he could read my mind. “I needed to see you. No matter how much you tell me you’re fine. I know you’re not fine.”
“Am I that transparent?” I asked, allowing him to take my hat and coat off, tossing them on the sofa. His own coat followed.
“I just know you that well.”
“Oh, yeah?”
He nodded, steering me into my room.
“What am I thinking right now?”
“You’re worried I don’t have the money to spend on a plane ticket.”
“Well, yeah, obviously. You?—”
“Youdon’t need to worry about that.” He pushed me down onto the bed. “You let me worry about it.”
He shook his head then lifted my arms in the air, tugging my sweater up and over my head. “I will always find a way to make it work. To see you. To be with you.” He unhooked my bra and tossed it over his shoulder, staring at my breasts for a moment before blinking up to meet my eyes. “Whether you’re here or Italy or…fucking Indonesia. I don’t care.” Then he nudged me back to the bed to unbutton my jeans. “I will always find a way to be with you. You don’t ever need to worry about me or us. I will always take care of you. No matter what.”
But that’s what made me feel bad. That he would have to come to me wherever I was because I didn’t have the time or money. Modeling wasn’t as glamorous or lucrative as the media would have society believe. It was hard and lonely work. And nomatter how much I loved him, he didn’t deserve to sacrifice so much. While I sacrificed so little.
Evan threw my underwear and pants to the side, dropping kisses along my collarbone and tops of my breasts, barely skimming my nipple on his way down to my stomach. “I would really like you to stop thinking so hard. It’s distracting me.”
I laughed. “From what?”
“From giving you a lot of orgasms.” He dropped to his knees on the floor in front of the bed and yanked me to him, draping my legs over his broad shoulders. “Now knock it off so I can reacquaint myself with your pussy.”
He licked the flat of his tongue up my slit, his fingers digging into my hips like he was trying to keep me from getting away from him. But there was no other place I wanted to be right now.
Or ever.
He circled my clit with the tip of his tongue, letting out a deep rumbling groan like I was the best thing he’d ever tasted. I missed that sound. It had been so long since I’d heard it. I didn’t want to go another day without it, without feeling his hands on me.
“Ev…” I curled my fingers into his hair. “I…”
I panted a laugh, but there was no amusement in how he drove his fingers into me. He showed me no mercy, tonguing me relentlessly.
“Ev, I love you.”
He murmured something against my flesh.