Page 9 of Dark Angel

“Thank you, Violet,” Matthew winks at the barmaid as she walks back behind the bar, her short purple hair bobbing around her shoulders. Her black Spellcaster Mark visibly inked onto her flesh.

Matthew turns his scant attention back to Lewis, who is looking a bit riled up. “Look, I know you are nervous or… something, but drinking will not help you feel better.” He tries talking some sense into his friend.

“The Carter’s are a very respectable family within the Seraphim world. Valarie’s parents come from some of the most renowned family lines. And Valerie, she is something else. The way she walks so light and graceful, her long blonde-red hair like golden strawberries. The way she smiles at me like nobody else does…” Lewis dazes off into the distance as Matthew narrows his eyes at him, waving his thin hands in front of his friend’s face to break his daydream.

Lewis blinks himself back to reality.

“You clearly feel something for her, so just pick up from where things ended in Oxford, and all will be fine, my friend.” Matthew reassures him as Lewis slumps back into his chair, his glasses falling off the perch of his nose.

“But how will I know if she feels that way about me? Or am I just still a friend in her eyes?”

Matthew leans across the small table between them once again, getting all of Lewis’ attention. “Look Lewis. You’re the smartest person I know our age. I think you are intelligent enough to understand what a girl is trying to say to you.” He smirks and takes another sip of drink. “Besides, we all saw the way she looked at you. It was more than just a friendly way.”

Lewis pushes his glasses back up and shrugs. “Perhaps, but why are girls so confusing? Why can’t they just tell you their emotions, instead of playing with your mind?”

He drinks the rest of that pint as well, slamming the empty glass on the table. Lewis is beginning to look slightly looser in his movements, and his speech is starting to slur. His fingers grab at the buttons secured tightly at his collar, opening them to expose his neck and collarbone as his skin begins to feel heated and clammy from the alcohol.

“I will never understand them.” Matthew mutters quietly, bringing his own glass to his lips.

“Do you think I am hopelessly in love with a girl who will never choose to be with me?” Lewis’ eyes are wide with longing and fear.

He looks at Matthew, who is covering his mouth with his hand, to keep himself from laughing out loud. Lewis arches a brow, which sets Matthew off in a flurry of laughter. Lewis just scoffs at him, annoyed and slightly intoxicated.

“Lewis, you’re asking the wrong person. I don’t know anything about a girl’s feelings. I certainly know how to bed them, but nothingwhen it comes to how they are feeling. If you are so worked up about this, why not just ask her yourself?”

“I can’t tell her what I feel before she does! I’ll make a fool of myself, and everyone will find amusement in my displeasure.”

Matthew watches his friend cautiously. Lewis is never like this-in a state of panic. Something is different about this girl. “You won’t make a fool of yourself because she feels the same way. Believe me, you have nothing to worry about, Lewis. Well, perhaps just the headache you are going to have in the morning from all these drinks you’re downing.”

Violet appears again to give Lewis another drink and Matthew just shakes his head, partly entertained, partly concerned for his friend’s well-being.

After taking another few sips, Lewis’ hands start to tremble as he places the pint back on the table and stares at it. His voice cracks a little as he asks, “Why does love make you crazy?”

“Because you can’t control it.” Matthew pauses, sipping again before adding. “At least I won’t need to worry about becoming crazy.” He chuckles lightly to himself.

“Why are you like this? You could have a girl. Any girl really in the Ascendancy, yet you choose to just fool around with them instead.” Lewis frowns at him, the alcohol starting to mess with his mind, making the room sway.

“I choose to live this way because I want to. I don’t wish to be wedded to anyone, but I am glad that you do.” His bright green eyes shining into Lewis’. “If you want my advice, and do take it lightly, I am sure she feels the same way. I mean, how could she not? You are a gentleman and kind and brilliantly clever.”

Lewis perks up a little in his chair as Matthew sees Daisy and Kora strolling into the bar, spotting the two of them immediately. Daisy with her dark skin and perfectly curled black locks shaping her angular face. Kora is shorter, with long coppery hair flowing down her back and hazel eyes that glance around wearily. Matthew waves themover to their table before tapping Lewis on the shoulder in a comforting way.

“Cheer up there. We have company.” He mutters before the girl’s reach the table.

“Evening lads,” Daisy says cheerfully while pulling out a chair and sitting promptly, “all right, what’s wrong with the two of you?” she questions after a few seconds of silence.

“Lewis is nervous because Valarie is in town.” Matthew says, amusingly.

He watches as the girl’s faces light up. “Oh, I adored Valarie when we were in Oxford. She is just darling!” Daisy adds excitedly, pulling her coat off her shoulders and placing it around the back of the stiff chair.

“Am I the only one who has not met the eminent Carter family yet?” Kora confirms with them.

Matthew nods at her, reminding her, "Well, you were too preoccupied to accompany us to Oxford last year."

“That was Clarence’s fault! Who fights Infernals with only their bare hands, you know that is just asking for wounds. I wish I could have gone. You all seemed to have such an exciting time without me.” She slumps back into her seat, folding her arms in front of herself protectively. Turning her attention to Lewis, she softens her face. “So, tell me about this girl, Valarie.”

Lewis leans forward excitedly. “She is lovely, caring, and sweet. I could stare at her all day like she’s the most exquisite oil painting in the whole museum. I’m so nervous. What if I do something stupid when I finally see her again?” He says honestly, sipping more of his frothy beverage before wiping his clammy palms on his trousers.

Daisy shoots Matthew a smirk before continuing. “From what I saw when we were in Oxford, she fancies you, Lewis. And the only stupid thing you are doing right now is drinking up half of the bar!”