Page 56 of Dark Angel

“You listen to me,” he snarls out. “You disappoint me when you can’t follow my simple instructions.”

“I did listen!” Matthew yells back at him, not containing his frustration anymore. “I told you, she only had two left! If you want more, then find someone else to buy off of. I can’t get you any more than that!”

The sharp glass presses against Matthew’s flesh as his father’s dark eyes glare into his. Lawrence’s face is coated in greying hairs. Stale alcohol clings to the pathetic beard he’s growing because he’s too drunk most of the time to shave himself. He reeks of sweat, sickness, and spirits. “Do not yell back at me!”

Matthew’s emerald eyes glisten as Lawrence pulls his arm back and his fist collides with Matthew’s jaw.

Stumbling backwards, he holds his face, which will inevitably bruise within the hour. Luckily, their supernatural bodies heal fast, but not fast enough to hide his bruises. He will have to lie once again and tell people he injured himself while training.

Wetness threatens to spill from his eyes, but Matthew holds himself together as another blow hits him in his side.

Falling to the sticky floor, Matthew groans, feeling the impact of that kick to his ribs more than his jaw.

“Don’t ever talk back to me again.” Lawrence grumbles. He tosses the empty bottle to the floor, glass shattering and nicking Matthew’s skin while flying about the room.

Grunting, Matthew gets to his knees, staring daggers at his insane father. “Get a grip on yourself! Mother has been gone thirteen years. You can’t act like this anymore.”

Lawrence is in his face within a blink. He slings his arm back again when the patter of small feet makes Matthew tense all over.

“No!” Alice shouts, stepping between them.

Lawrence glares down at his children. Alice holds her shaky hands up as Matthew remains crouched behind her. Her tiny body shielding him.

“Don’t touch him.Please.”

There’s nothing but silence for a moment. Neither of them dares to move a finger as if one movement will have both of them killed.

Lawrence sniffs angrily, pulling himself back, as Alice lets out an exhale of relief. Turning, he snatches a bottle from the bench and yanks the cork out with his teeth, guzzling down another few shots of whisky before shuffling out of the kitchen woozily.

Matthew lets his head fall as he blinks away tears.

“Are you all right?” Alice is kneeling now, holding his face in her tiny hands.

“Alice, I can’t do this much longer.”

Her eyes glass over and her lips tremble as she looks at him. Shaking her head, she swallows loudly. “We can make it until you’re twenty-one. It’s only two months away.”

Matthew runs a hand through his hair. “I don’t even know if I’ll make it to twenty-one, Alice. I’m tired of fighting him.”

“No.” Her voice is hoarse. “We’ll get through this. Please, Matthew.”

She falls forward, hugging him around his neck as she did when she was five and Matthew was forced to look after her when their father began drinking and forgot about raising his young daughter.

“I’m sorry he always picks on you.” She whispers into his ear.

Matthew brings his arms around her back, holding her tight against him. This is why he chooses not to love anyone other than his sister. He can’t bring anyone else into this. He doesn’t want anyone to know what he goes through.

Love does make you crazy. That’s what he told Lewis, and he wholeheartedly believes it. He watched his father lose his mind after their mother died giving birth to Alice. He watches as his father drinks himself to sleep every night. He lost his position within the Ascendancy. He lost the respect of his own children and friends.

Matthew never wants that. He doesn’t want it to even be a possibility, which is why he chooses to keep himself away from love like it is poison.

“I won’t ever let him hurt you, Alice. I promise,” Matthew murmurs before burying his head in her neck.


An Admission of Love

“Kora, are you almost ready?” Clarence yells from the bottom of the staircase. He stands dressed in his navy-blue waistcoat, dark trousers with knee-high boots polished to a shine. It’s not unusual for him to be waiting for Kora to prepare for any event. He’ll surely never understand how it takes girls so long to prime for a ball.