Page 48 of Dark Angel

“You should see when they play chess. I have to hide every weapon in the house. I’m afraid one of them will gut the other.” Her cheeks pinching to match his. The single dimple forming in her cheek.

“I don’t think I want to,” Jordan admits, sitting back in his chair slightly to take all of her in. Her light blue dress, shimmering eyes and pink lips. “What about you? What do you like to do then?”

She holds his stare for a moment before answering, “I enjoy board games, but not as much as I adore art.”

“I knew you were an art admirer.” Jordan says as another smile creeps onto his face. “What kind do you prefer?”

“Painting. Drawing. I haven’t spent any time sculpting, but I think that would be pleasant as well.” Her answer is genuine.

The way her face lights up when she speaks about it makes Jordan’s cold heart melt. “I’d want to try sculpting someday.”

“Perhaps we should then.” Kora offers, her gaze drifting away from his as the tops of her cheeks colour.

Jordan’s smile deepens. “Perhaps we should.” He says in agreement. “I’m glad I showed you those paintings now. I knew you’d appreciate them.”

Kora’s eyes meet his again. They’re somehow soft and captivating at the same time. Jordan feels as though he can stare at them all day and never grow tired of the sight.

“They were beautiful. My father hung up some of my mother’s artworks at home. He adored them just as much as I do.”

Jordan’s smile falters momentarily. A twinkle of sadness washes over her hazel irises, and he wants to reach out and hold her hand or squeeze her thigh in comfort, but he decides against it. “You should show me one time.” He says in a softer tone.

Her cheeks pink as she nods at him, the sadness replaced with something optimistic. “I’d like that.”


Dark Angel

Percy lets out an exhale, tossing the tome onto the pile of books stacked up in the corner of the Chiswick library. He’s read through most of the historical recounts in his collection talking about unusual rituals of the Supernatural, Infernal ceremonies and sacrifices, and anything to do with Mortals or Seraphim blood carvings.

Nothing has turned up remotely similar though to the etchings carved into Clara’s flesh.

He grabs the next book from the pile and snorts softly at the title ‘Is that a mark or a stain?’

Percy groans, not even bothering to open the cover. He drops it onto the pile and pulls off his glasses, rubbing at his eyelids. He’s been awake late the last few nights trying to read through every relevant book in his possession.

With a yawn, he gets up off the sofa and looks out the window overlooking Russell Square. Some children play happily out on the luscious green lawn with their toys, while others are out there bouncing a ball between themselves. The sun is trying its hardest to peek its way through the greying clouds, which turns Percy’s frown into a smirk.

The library door squeaks open and his wife, Adeline, pokes her face in. She often leaves him to do his research and experiments alone, but it’s been almost a day since he left the library.

“Are you hungry, dear?” she asks kindly, walking up to him.

Percy’s awkward and thin in stature, much like herself and Lewis. She curls her arms around his midsection, her chin resting on his shoulder as they both peer out the window at the liveliness below.

The sound of his stomach growling answers her question. Adeline snickers as Percy’s smile widens. “I should have something to eat.”

“You should,” she agrees, pulling herself away from him. “Any luck with these?”

He shakes his head as she skims through the titles of the books strewn about in the stack. “Not yet, but hopefully something will turn up soon.”

“You must take a break, Percy. Robert is not expecting you to find the answer immediately.”

“I know, Adel.”

He’s the only one who calls her by that name, which she adores. “Would you like me to bring you something? You’ve locked yourself in here all night and morning.” She reminds him.

“Yes, that would be perfect,” he says, picking up yet another book from the pile and skimming the title, deeming this one worthy of being studied.

Adeline reaches out and takes it from this grasp. “Come on, you need a quick break. Let’s go out and enjoy the afternoon. We can get something sugary from the bakery.”