Page 41 of Dark Angel

Kora dodges the swing of his weapon, bringing her own towards him.

Clarence rolls along the ground, holding up his dagger as her blade comes down on his. She pushes against his strength, holding her own as they lock on each other.

Pushing away, Clarence rolls backwards onto his feet. Kora brings her arm around as Clarence kicks at her.

Moving backwards, her blade connects with his again and she disarms him, the dagger clanging onto the floor. Kora pins her blade against his chest as he chuckles lightly. “Nice move.”

She smirks. “I learnt from the best.”

Dipping her blade slightly, Clarence takes the chance to dive, snatching his dagger off the floor and throwing it towards her.

It barely misses her head, flying past and embedding into the wall as she glares at him. “Never cease until your opponent concedes.” He reminds her, getting off the floor and walking over to the dagger wedged in the bricks.

“Fine, one slipup.”

He shakes his head, yanking the dagger out with a grunt. “You’re still brilliant, Kora.”

Her eyes gleam as she looks out at the glass. Gaze instantly meeting his as a faint, impressed smirk forms in Jordan’s mouth.


Love All, Trust Few

“Do you know what I have missed the most after all this time?” Tobias loudly interrupts as his family lounges around the parlour quietly the following morning. “Queen cakes from Mrs Rundell’s Bakery. Oh, she makes the most delicate vanilla cakes in the whole of London.”

Josephine stops her sewing to peer up at her husband, whose eyes are closed as if he’s imagining himself eating one of the vanilla cakes right this very moment.

“Why not get one then, father?” Valarie chimes in. She sits on the light blue sofa, a book in her hand half torn and falling apart. It’s that well-loved.

“I think I shall!” Tobias announces.

He stands up abruptly, as if he’s going to leave immediately, but Josephine stops him. “Dear, are you leaving right this second?”

He looks at her like she is insane. “Of course. If I want cake, then I am having myself some cake.”

Josephine shakes her head and closes her eyes. She doesn't want to argue with him right now.

“Why are you so enthusiastic about a cake? It’s just cake. They have plenty at every event here.” Jordan questions his father. He’s been playing with an apple, tossing it between his hands for a while now, still contemplating if he wants to eat it or not.

“Because it’s fromMrs Rundell. She is one of the best bakers in London. Oxford cakes don’t even compare to the ones made fresh here each morning.” Tobias licks his mouth.

“Darling, that’s enough. We will go get one later this afternoon if you’re still in need of one.” Josephine says flatly.

Tobias sits back in his armchair, crossing his arms like a child being scorned at.

Jordan sometimes can’t believe how his mother loves Tobias so much. He’s always running off somewhere or becomes so easily distracted with random thoughts likecake... She must love him a lot to put up with his sporadic, hyperactive personality.

The bell chimes from the entrance of the manor, and moments later Anthony, their footman, appears in the doorway of the sitting room with a message in his hand. “It’s for you, Mr Carter.” He says as he approaches Tobias.

“Thank you, Anthony,” and he opens the letter hastily. Reading through the quick message, he stands, reaching for his coat that’s hanging over the back of the armchair. “I need to leave. Robert has called me to Brixton. There seems to have been an Infernal attack.”

Jordan stands with him, suddenly more interested in the topic of conversation, as his apple thuds heavily against the floor, “An Infernal attack?” he repeats, hinting that his father should tell him more about it.

“Yes, that’s all the message says. I need to meet him in Brixton immediately.”

“Take the carriage, Tobi!” Josephine yells out to her husband, who is already hurrying towards the door, vanilla cakes no longer at the forefront of his mind.

The coach ride to Brixton isn’t very far, but the roads seem to be packed this morning. Carriage upon carriage line up on every street. People duck in and around them as they go on foot to their destination.