“Enjoying yourself?” Clarence sidles against Daisy as she downs the last of her drink.
Giggling cheerfully, she turns to face him. He’s dressed dashingly this evening in a suave grey vest and trousers and a plain white undershirt. Even though he looks handsome in his ball attire, Daisy adores his informal outfits more. They feel more personal and real. She wants to run her fingers under his shirt, feeling his body against her skin.
“I am, Master Hamilton.” She says teasingly, the two drinks messing with her mind already.
He cracks a smirk, his hand coming to hold the small of her back as she lazily smiles at him. Daisy’s tall for a girl, her gaze almost matching his in height, so she doesn’t need to bend her neck to look up at him.
“I told you not to call me that.” His smirk deepening.
Laughter spills from her lungs as her fingertip gently touches one of his shirt buttons playfully, “I am just being proper.”
“Well stop,” his smile unfaltering, “it feels too formal for us.”
“You don’t like being called Master Hamilton?”
His eyes flicker down to the bow of her lips and then back up to her intoxicated gaze. “Never by you, Daisy.”
Her name coming from him makes a tingle run down her hot insides. “It’s Miss Edevane, actually.” She continues, giggling some more, as the champagne creeps further into senses, loosening them completely.
Clarence’s eyes roll and he takes the empty glass from her hand before she drops it accidentally. “You’ve clearly had enough tonight.”
“Are you taking care of me?” her head tilting to one side as she looks at him tenderly.
A faint line appears between his brows as his mouth straightens. “I’ll always take care of you, Daisy.”
Heat rushes over her skin in a wave of exhilaration. “Matthew knows.” She blurts out without realising.
“Knows what?”
“About us.” She whispers, but it’s not that quiet.
Clarence just shakes his head at her, cracking a grin. “Matthew is very perceptive, so I’m not surprised.”
Glancing around, Clarence’s gaze locks onto Matthew, who’s standing with Levi and Lewis. He wriggles his brows back and Clarence’s jaw clenches. Fingers hold on to his chin, dragging his eyes back onto the gorgeous girl in front of him. Her garnet eyes are longing for his attention.
“I think you look very handsome tonight.” Daisy breathes out. The lingering smell of champagne on her tongue.
“And I think you are beautiful this evening, like every chance I see you.” His voice amused.
Stars dazzle in her garnet eyes as he nods his head towards the door of the parlour. “Come on, I think I should be getting you home before you do something ridiculous, or something slips out of that tipsy mouth of yours.”
Another round of giggles escape her mouth and Clarence can’t believe how beautiful she is.
Kora holds the golden blade in her hand, energy flowing through her body like sparks of wildfire fuelling her blood. She hasn’t trained extensively with this blade, but she already knows how it flows with her, connects with her, like an extension of herself.
Her gaze stays on Matthew as he rolls his shoulders, preparing himself for their training. He’s used to being up against her, but is yet to beat her in a fight.
Emerald eyes shimmering with anticipation, Kora lunges out at him, swinging the golden blade around and bringing it down on his dagger. The sound of their weapons colliding echoes through the open room. Kora’s jaw sets as she pulls back, allowing Matthew to readjust himself.
Waiting for him to move, Matthew steps forward, spinning his body to crash with hers. Kora swiftly ducks out of the way, her movements fluid and graceful. Matthew’s aren’t as smooth, his feet fumbling as he awkwardly swipes at her.
Kora moves behind him, slinging an arm around his throat. She has to stand on her toes to reach properly. Her blade tip nudges against his side as she breathes against his neck.