Page 21 of Dark Angel

It’s even easier than Jordan anticipated.

“Again.” Matthew growls out and Jordan chuckles lightly, releasing his grip on him.

He twirls one of his daggers in his hand as Matthew gets himself up. He looks mad, but Jordan can’t tell if it’s directed at him, or if Matthew is more irritated with himself. “With pleasure.” Jordan purrs.

They set up again. This time, Jordan makes the first move. Lunging out at Matthew, Jordan swipes both daggers in front of him, and they cut through the air. The tip of the blade slices through Matthew’s clean shirt while the other just narrowly misses his thigh.

Matthew groans loudly with annoyance, “I just got this shirt.” Pulling at the torn fabric.

“It needed some improvements.” Jordan counters lightly, holding his weapons out in front of him.

Emerald eyes narrow onto his as Matthew comes at him once more. Jordan watches his steps, counting each one as he approaches. Just as Matthew pulls back his arm to strike Jordan, he crouches, flipping Matthew over his shoulder.

With a thud, Matthew lands behind him, knocking the breath from his lungs.

Jordan takes the opportunity to pin him down on the floor again. His legs retrain Matthew’s elbows as his friend thrashes underneath him.

“Fine. All right. You win,again.” Matthew grits out through clenched teeth when he stops fighting him, knowing he can’t get out of Jordan’s hold.

Jordan smiles brightly before rolling off, and Matthew cradles his arms. “Good fight.”

Matthew’s glare is like ice. Jordan laughs at him. “At least you didn’t break my wrist this time.”

“I can if you want me to?” Jordan offers.

Matthew scoffs, “Why would I want that? You’d want that just so you can go aroundgloating.”

Jordan’s face straightens. “I don’t gloat, Matthew.”

“No, you don’t...” Matthew winces as he gets to his feet. “But trust me, if I was one of the best fighters in London, I’d wear it like a badge of honour.”

Jordan grins once again, his dimpled cheeks beginning to hurt. He can’t remember the last time he’s smiled this much, but he’s beginning to enjoy it. “Well, thank the Angels you’re not the best then.”

That makes Matthew laugh as he stretches out his limbs. “I have to train more now. I can’t lose like that again.”

“Nobody saw at least. You can tell people youalmosthit me.”

“This is why you’re my favourite,” Matthew lets out a chuckle, tossing his arm around Jordan’s shoulders, “but don’t tell Lewis that.”


Old Wounds Still Bleed

Tobias pushes the heavy oak door fully open to see his friend sitting at his desk with papers, inkpots, and quills scattered about in front of him. “Hello Robert.” He says boldly as he enters the small room.

Robert instantly grins and stands up from his chair. “Tobias, old friend. It is great to see you in these hallways again.” Extending his hand out to greet him.

“It is great to be back,” he shakes Robert’s outstretched hand firmly. “I still cannot believe that the last time I was here we were only twenty-two. You were engaged to Lucy, and I was about to be wedded to Josephine.” Tobias dazes off into a daydream.

“Seems like only yesterday.” Robert’s deep voice fills the room.

He’s even taller than Tobias. Ink black hair trimmed short and dull green eyes the same as when they were younger. Tobias wasn’t even shocked by how similar Charles looks to him. Almost identical in features.

“Take a seat and we will begin shortly.” Robert points to the chair opposite him.

The leather upholstery is surprisingly comfortable. Tobias settles in, crossing his hands in his lap, glancing around at Robert’s office. “What is this about, Robert?”

His old friend gives him a small smile, one that Tobias is slightly uncomfortable with. It’s a mix of nervousness and sympathy.