Page 130 of Dark Angel

He smiles down at her, and his dimples grow, causing Kora to almost moan again at the sight. “I couldn’t miss the opportunity, I suppose.”

Kora grins back, cheeks flushing as she feels the material bunched at her feet. “I still need to change.”

“I can leave then.”

Jordan’s hands slip from her neck as he turns to leave, but Kora catches his hand, halting him. His eyes dart back to hers as his brows pinch with confusion. “Can you help me with my bodice?” she asks softly, her cheeks blushing deeper.

His smile reforms, as his hands come to rest on her shoulders, spinning her around. “Oh, thank the Angels this one doesn’t have so many buttons,” he mutters out.

Kora can’t help but giggle as his fingers undo the five buttons and pull apart the binding. The bodice slips down her, and the soft thump of it hitting the floor spreads more tingles across her skin.

She goes to turn back around when his hands hold onto her waist, grabbing her tightly but tenderly, and his lips land on her neck again.

Kora’s eyes close with passion once more, as he kisses his way along her skin, inching closer to her mouth. This time, his fingers hold onto her chin, forcing her head around to face him, and he kisses her once more. It’s lighter and warmer than the last, but it still sends a wave of pleasure through her veins.

Jordan pulls away, smirking at her. “All right, you really should dress now.”

“Yes, I probably should.” She whispers.

Neither of them move, and Kora bites her bottom lip, giggling some more.

Jordan’s head rocks back as he groans out. “Don’t give me that look. I can’t say no to it.”

“That’s good to know.” She says through a laugh.

He leans his forehead against hers again, and she absorbs their connection. “I’ll be waiting downstairs for you.” He kisses her forehead before his skin disconnects from hers and he leaves her breathing heavily in her quarters, alone.


Daisy stares down at her lifeless face. Grace’s long silver hair is splattered with her own blood. Her grey eyes are clouded over with death. Her fair skin is bloodless and still.

She doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to killing anything that isn’t demonic. The thought makes her feel queasy.

Sliding the knife out from her abdomen, the silver metal glints in the moonlight as Daisy cuts away at the fabric of Grace’s deep pink dress.

“Now carve, Petal.” She hears him speaking into her mind once again.

Nodding, she rips open the fabric, exposing all of Grace’s skin to the elements and poises the poison laced dagger against her flesh.

A ‘T’ symbol appears at the forefront of her mind, and Daisy begins mindlessly carving. The blade digs deep into Grace’s flesh, drawing vibrant ruby blood that trickles out leisurely.

Etching after etching.

Carving after carving.

Daisy continues until the majority of Grace’s body is covered in symbols. She’s still warm under Daisy’s touch, her blood is still sticky.

Sitting back on her heels, Daisy assesses the body before repeating the dark spell Colton speaks to her. As she recites his words in a hushed tone, Grace’s etchings release grey shadows, as if mist is escaping her organs and seeping out through the carvings. Then droplets of her blood float into the air like raindrops, hovering over her body before disappearing.

Completing the fourth sacrifice, Daisy stands, giving one last glance at Grace’s body before leaving.

She wipes the blade on her skirt before sliding it back into her cloak, securing it in its place once again.

Daisy knows where Colton is waiting for her, making a beeline towards the Ascendancy building.

Her boots crunch in the snow as she wanders. Her gaze locked on the street before her. Blood decorating her light-yellow dress. Perhaps she should have selected another one, but she doesn’t truly mind. As long as she helps Colton, that’s all that she is required to do.

She approaches the iron gates of the Ascendancy. It’s just after midnight when she stops out the front. It’s silent. Everyone is at home sleeping, which should make this retrieval quick and easy.