The Infernal snarls at the two of them like it’s still entertained. As if the impaled knife has no effect on it. The demon’s hands clasp together, creating a ball of swirling darkness between its palms. Drawing them apart, a gust of shadow forms. Dark and thick like smoke. His palms face the two of them, releasing a gust of shadow.
Matthew pushes Kora out of the way, and she stumbles backwards. The gust of darkness knocks Matthew off his feet. His head hits the stone ground, knocking the air from his lungs.
The Infernal lunges towards Kora who’s still getting to her feet. Viciously swiping a claw at her, Kora shouts angrily, curving her blade up to drive it straight through the chest of the ominous creature.
A loud screech escapes the creature’s throat, echoing down the alleyway. The deafening writhing sound is painful to the ears of the Seraphim.
Lewis winces from the ground and covers his ears until the Infernal stops screaming.
Matthew jumps quickly to his feet, forcing his knife into the ribs of the creature, as Kora yanks her blade out of the creature’s chest.
Clear blood-essence-as they refer to Infernal blood as gushes out of the wounds, spraying onto the ground surrounding them and sizzling as it lands on the cobblestones like poisonous water.
Another ear-splitting cry cuts through the air as it falls to the ground, its body trying to repair itself, but it’s no use against theangelic weapons. Demonic energy is strong and dark, but ethereal energy is overpowering.
Both Matthew and Kora watch its body stiffen, its blackened eyes darkening impossibly deeper into nothing, staring into the night sky above them and glassing over with death before returning to its realm.
Matthew lets out a breath, catching himself and looking to Kora beside him. “Are you all right? It didn’t get you, did it?”
She shakes her hair before wiping her forehead clean from sweat and returning her golden blade into the slot of her back sheath. They peer back to see Lewis trying to stand, but his legs are too weak to carry his own weight. Daisy helps him off the ground, her thinner body struggling to keep him upright.
“Lewis, Daisy, stay there!” Kora yells out to their friends.
Lewis collapses onto the ground again, taking Daisy down with him with a whimper.
Kora can still sense the dark energy surrounding them like a blanket of angst and gloom. Typically, when an Infernal dies, and returns to another dark realm, its dark energy diminishes with its body.
The two of them glance around, trying to glimpse of any other creature tracking them like prey.
Spinning, Kora’s eyes fall on a blurred figure, watching them from afar. Tall, masculine and dressed entirely in black. His eyes aren’t black like the other Infernals, but a dark green shade – murky and shadowy. He’s dark in the dull moonlight shining overhead. His figure is almost translucent.
Taking a step in his direction, the shadowed man steps backwards, disappearing out of sight.
Leaving the others behind, Kora races towards the spot where the figure was standing, observing them closely. The man is nowhere to be seen now. Dark, demonic energy disappearing into thin air along with him.
Matthew catches up to her. “What did you see?” he asks in a concerned tone.
Kora’s jaw clenches before she shakes her head lightly, eyes still focused on the empty alleyway before them. There’s nothing but darkness now. The lights snuffed out from the overwhelming dark energy that consumed the last of the flames.
“It must have been nothing. I just thought I saw someone.” She whispers.
She’s never seen a greater demon disguised as an Infernal before. She’s never seen a greater demon all together, but she’s learnt about them at the Ascendancy. About their overwhelming presence and destructive abilities.
But why would a Dark Angel watch them and not approach them? And was his body blurred and transparent?
She feels Matthew’s hand gently touching her arm through her thin coat. “We should get back to Daisy and Lewis.” His words drawing her attention away once again.
“We should.”
Sliding his weapons back into their appropriate places, Matthew’s careful not to get essence on his skin. Infernal blood is highly poisonous and burns Seraphim skin instantly from its potency. They heal faster than Mortals, but it still stings for a few hours.
Kora follows him wordlessly back to the others. Daisy’s protectively sitting in front of Lewis, who is sleeping against the brick wall again. His soft black lashes laying against his alcohol-flushed cheeks.
Matthew sighs before leaning down and slinging Lewis’ limp body over his shoulder.
“Matthew…” Lewis mumbles to him in his sleepy, drunkard voice.
“We are almost there, Lewis. Just hold on if you can,” Matthew reassures his friend as he follows behind the two girls again.