Page 109 of Dark Angel

His face frowns in confusion, “Lavina told me. What’s gotten into you, Daisy?”

“Nothing. I’m just trying to process what you’re saying.”

“I’m saying that Colton is trying to destroy everything. He’s made three sacrifices now. There’s only four more to go!” his voice rises in anger. “Why are you not more upset about this?”

Daisy shuffles on her feet. “I didn’t realise I needed to be upset.”

Clarence runs his fingers through his hair, trying to collect himself. “Of course you should be upset. If he gets enough power, then he will take over. Are you not listening to me?”

“I am. And I don’t appreciate your tone right now.” Her jaw tightening.

Clarence’s mouth gapes open. “Are you all right, Daisy?”

“Yes.” She answers shortly. “Why wouldn’t I be fine?”

“You’re acting really unusual.”

“I’m fine.” And she gives him a faux grin.

He studies her further as she stands, still holding the door open. Her emotions seem to have been cut off when Colton spoke with her. The moment his skin touched her face, she was completely enthralled by him and him alone. Nothing else seems to matter to her anymore–except for this blade.

“All right.”

Her smile falters as she licks her lips. “I am sorry about Levi.”

Clarence nods his head. He wants her comfort. To kiss her again and hold her. But there’s something about her that’s different.

The amulet sits perfectly in the crook of her collarbone, staring at him and glinting in the evening light. “Have you had any more visions?” he asks curiously.

She frowns slightly, “No.” Lying right to his face.

It’s a simple answer, but Clarence can tell by the flare of her nostrils that she’s being dishonest with him. He’s known her for too long not to notice the little tendencies she has when she’s not telling the truth.

“So, the amulet works, then?”

Her fingers reach up to touch the small golden pendant and she smiles again. “Yes. It seems to have worked. Thank you, Clarence.”

His tongue licks his teeth as he considers her. He’s not sure why she’s lying to him, but it hurts him. The amulet was spelled to protect her, and if it’s not working, then what’s the point of her wearing it?

“Daisy, why are you lying to me?” Clarence asks in a tired tone.

“I’m not. I’m tired and I wish to sleep now. Goodbye Clarence.”

Clarence continues to stare at the dark stained door once it’s slammed shut in his face, as if he can see through it and see the expression on her face. She’s acting strange.

Tightening his lips, he walks off, hoping that tomorrow she will be back to her usual self.


“Come on, Charles.” Robert grumbles at his son as he holds his blade out in front of him.

Charles glares at him. His father’s forehead is caked in sweat. “Can we not have a break? You look as though you need one, and possibly some water.”

“No. We’ll keep training until your fighting is unmatched. Again.” Robert orders Charles.

His son nods, preparing himself once again for his father to strike. Robert lunges at him, his blade comes down in an arch. It catches in the light, throwing off gleams and shines.

Charles grunts loudly, the sound recoiling off the empty walls as he pushes his weight against his father’s weapon. Metal scratching between them, gazes locked on each other, waiting for the other to let up.