He reaches out, the back of his finger gently stroking the skin of her cheek. It’s in a soft and loving way, not at all how she imagined his touch to be. Her heart skips a beat, like it’s being restarted, as her garnet eyes lock onto his. He’s beautiful and alluring. His energy pulling her closer like a magnet. Daisy’s throat pounds as the corner of her mouth lifts, her heart skittering at his icy touch and intense gaze.
“There we go.” His voice whispers, stroking her cheek once more. “We have some more work to do, you and me. We still need to complete more sacrifices.”
Daisy slowly shakes her head, trying to understand him. “What sacrifices?”
She feels another body touching the back of heels. Pivoting, she looks down at Mabel’s limp body lying on her other side. Daisy’s hands cover her mouth, muffling her crying scream as she stares between the bodies in the sand.
“Why are you doing this?” her voice rasps out.
He groans down at her, his neck tipping backwards slightly, “Petal, I don’t really like being asked questions. I only like ordering. Demanding. You will listen to me and do as I ask. All right?”
Daisy nods as something flares inside of her. It’s not fear or terror, it’s more of a longing sensation, like she’s aching to be closer to him now. Craving the need to obey him. “I’m sorry.”
His fingers wrap under her chin, jerking her face up to stare at his darkening eyes. “Good. Will you listen to me now?”
Daisy nods against his hand and his smile becomes more feral. She should be afraid of it, but she’s not anymore. She’s utterly captivated by him.
“I need you to get that blade from your friend, Kora.”
“Which blade?” she asks abruptly.
His eyes slowly roll, which stabs at her heart like a dagger piercing her chest. “Did I not just say that I despise questions?” he bites out at her. Daisy’s brow arches and he chuckles lightly, shaking his head. “Only I am allowed to ask the questions. Not you, Petal.”
“Do you mean her golden blade?”
His jaw feathers once more before relaxing. “Yes, the golden blade she’s been wielding recently. I am glad she found it for me. I’ve been scouring all of England, searching for that thing. Little did I realise our pesky mother left it in her possession.Figures. She saved her daughter over her son. Of course, she left the blade for her as well.” His voice turning bitter.
Daisy’s eyebrows wrinkle and his hand drops from her face.
The realisation hits her.
His chestnut, russet hair. Eyes a deeper hazel than Kora’s, but still quite similar. He’s taller and sturdier, handsome and enthralling. “You’re Colton.” Daisy says breathlessly.
His eyes gleam with delight, “Well done, Petal,” and he smirks once more, “it’s you and me against the world, now.”
“We have found out what the carvings mean,” Lavina says in her familiar husky voice. Silver eyes shining like shimmering moons. Long hair braided with white petals. “Based on the two we have found, there seem to be some similarities with the symbols of the Beneath.” She explains to the Elders.
They all stand in the cold, quiet infirmary. Tobias is grateful there’s no deceased body bringing them together this time. He doesn’t know if he can stomach the sight of another.
“So you believe this is demonic?” Percy asks, adjusting his black-brimmed glasses with curiosity.
The immortal woman gives a short, delicate sigh. “There’s nothing in our history that links to these killings, but we believe it has something to do with the Dark Angels. Life works in balance. It takes a life and gives another. One person has luck, another has misfortune. It’s how the balance works. It’s how the universe remains stable.” She explains to them.
“What has this got to do with a ritual, then?” Robert questions her.
Argent eyes meet his. “Seven Archangels guard the Heavens and protect the world as you’re all aware. There’s Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Camael, Jophiel and Zadkiel. They oversee Earth and other realms.
“Six Dark Angels rule the remaining realms from the depths of Hell. Lucifer is their leader, with Moloch, Chemosh, Dagon, Belial and Beelzebub following him. There is an imbalance that the Dark Angels have always wanted to level. A thousand years ago, they attempted to eliminate an Archangel from existence, which only aggravated the Heavens.
“When they realised no Archangel could be slain, the Dark Angels devised a plan of creating a seventh Dark Angel, born to rule over Earth, claiming this realm as their own, and finally equalling them withthe Archangels.” Lavina enlightens the Elders standing quietly in the room.
Thomas breathes out slowly, “So this ritual is for a seventh Dark Angel? One that wants to claim Earth and inevitably destroy it.” Clarifying with her.
Lavina nods grimly. “Requiring sacrifices of the Seraphim, taking their blood and carving symbols into their flesh.”
“Do you know how many sacrifices are needed for this ritual to be complete?” Percy asks hesitatingly.