Page 136 of Dark Angel

“No.” She breathes out as golden red blood drips from her lips. “Get Daisy.”

“I’m not letting you die, Kora.”

She glares up at him. “Daisy is going to die with him!” she shouts before wincing in pain.

Colton just chuckles, picking up Daisy’s body in his arms. He groans with discomfort from his wound before picking up Uriel’s blade. The sizzling sound starts, and Colton hisses as the skin of his hands burn and breaks apart. “Finish them, but leave my sister alone.” Colton bites out angrily to the last few remaining Infernals before disappearing with Daisy and Uriel’s blade.

Infernals turn onto them as Kora coughs out blood, her body wanting to shut down, but her healing powers are forcing her to stay alive.

Lewis and Valarie have come to help fight alongside Clarence as Jordan holds onto Kora. Kora allows her head to fall forward as the poison stings at her organs.

“We’re getting you inside.”

“Matthew.” She coughs out.

“He’s safe.” Jordan assures her.

She shakes her head. “Alice.” Kora rasps out.

Her eyes flutter shut as everything becomes too heavy for her. Her bones. Her muscles. Her blood. Even her breathing becomes slow and weighty. The darkness looms over her, clawing at her mind like talons trying to claim her. Her arms shake from the weight of her body, and she falls down into the frosty grass.

She feels someone turning her over and picking her up into their arms.

“Stay with me Kora!” Jordan rasps. His voice is close. His warmth envelopes her like a blanket.

She can’t hold on. The darkness is calling her closer, and she feels herself slipping into it. Its tendrils wrap around her, pulling her under.

“Don’t you dare die on me, Kora!” she hears him yell as a door bangs open.

But she can’t move. She can’t even open her eyes.

There’s rushing. Feet pound on the stairs when the darkness finally takes her, pulling her down into its shadowy, watery depths.


Her heavy eyes flutter open. They slowly sweep across the open room she hasn’t seen before. Gilded light flourishes like sunlight, shining through the wall-less space. Her body still aches. Her bones feel heavy, and muscles are tense, but she rolls onto her back. Auburn hair flows around the comfortable covers she’s lying on in copper wisps. There’s no ceiling above her either. There’s nothing but light and gleam, like she’s resting on the sun itself.

Blinking, she props herself up and swings her legs off the side of the bed. The floor appears to be see-through. Glass perhaps? She’s never seen anything like this before.

Walking up to one of the open window arches, she sees the glowing atmosphere surrounding her. Beings float gently in the sky, and a gentle smile meets her lips. Soft, ethereal harp music is playing in the distance, running along her skin in soothing waves.

Tucking a piece of stray hair behind her ear, she peers out at the magical world around her.

“You’re awake.” A masculine voice sounds behind her.

Swivelling, she sees him standing under one of the archways. Dressed in his colourless silks, white hair flows around him and golden eyes are sharp like polished rings.

“I was resting?” she questions, not remembering how she ended up here, or why she’s here. Or where she is.

Uriel nods slowly, taking a step closer to her. His energy radiates warmth and ease. “You have been, but I’m glad to see you’re recovered enough to rise.”

Her head tilts slightly as her mind wraps itself around his words. How long has she been here?

“Where are we? I’ve never seen this place before.” She asks in a quiet tone.

The Archangel approaches her, and she stays in place. His hand lifts to touch her cheek, bringing heat to her skin. “You’re safe here. I brought you here to recover.”
