Iheld my mate after we’d finished, my cock still twitching deep inside her. She was right. Size was a matter of perspective. To her, I was huge. I couldn’t quite believe I was finally enough for someone.

I decided right then and there to let my past feelings of inadequacy go. I was falling in love with Kerry, and she felt the same. How could I let myself ruin something so beautiful by dragging my sadness from the past into my future?

It felt good to let it go.

We finally parted, and I helped her out of the tub, gently drying her body with the big cloth provided by the stone gods. The water that had sloshed over the sides of the tub had already been absorbed.

After helping her into a light dress she would wear to bed, I wrapped a thin loincloth around my waist, knotting it at my hip.

We left the bathing area, and she sat on the edge of the bed, looking around.

“Hungry?” I asked.

Her smile rose. “Famished.”

“I’ll ask the stone gods to prepare us food, then.”

“Please, no concrete soup.” Humor bubbled in her voice.

“While some common Dastalon Clan dishes do feature ground stone, they’re usually enjoyed during festivals or at special times of the year. The rest of the time, the villagers eat meat, vegetables, fruit. Lots of seafood, naturally.”

“There doesn’t seem to be a kitchen here.”

“The gods will provide.” I looked forward to showing her all the wonders of Zuldrux, not only here, but at my Celedar Clan home. I strode over to the flat stone surface mounted along one wall at waist level and laid my palm on it, humming to show the stone gods my need. Plates of food oozed up from the surface, and the heady scent of warm vegetables and grain filled the room.

“That’s . . .” Kerry slid off the bed and cautiously approached the stone slab. “It’s wild that food pops up like that.”

“I asked, and the stone gods provided. They don’t give us meat of any kind, however. For that, we need to hunt and fish. But we’ll be well satisfied with this for tonight.” I nudged my head to the double windows mounted on the outer wall beside the bed and the steps leading to them. “If you’ll open one of the windows, I’ll carry our plates, and we can eat outside.”

She grinned. “This is amazing. I . . . love it here already.”

My grin stretched my face to the point it ached, and I followed her outside onto the small deck with a low table and two Zuldruxian-sized chairs. After placing our meals on the table, I returned to the slab and requested a beverage and utensils, taking them outside.

Kerry stood leaning against the rail, the breeze rustling her long hair and her face tipped up to soak in the late-day sunshine.

After placing our drinks with our meals, I joined her, standing behind her to wrap my arms around her. When she was near, I couldn’t resist touching her, stroking her soft hair and leaning forward to kiss her pretty cheek.

“It’s so beautiful,” she whispered. Tipping her head back, she smiled up at me. “I know I can speak in a normal tone, but I feel like a loud voice will break this gorgeous moment.”

“I’m glad you’re happy here.”

“I’m happy because you’re here with me.”

I stroked her hair to the side and feathered kisses across her nape, savoring the shiver of need she released.

The sea stretched before us, an endless expanse of purple hues that shifted beneath the setting sun. The sky was ablaze with oranges and pinks, casting a warm glow across the waves.

“I still don’t understand how the island remains in the air, but I’m going to accept it,” she said. “I don’t know how airplanes stay in the air on Earth, and I’m happy enough to ride inside them.”

“Sometimes, it’s easier to just accept than struggle to find explanations.”

“You’re talking about your gods in this, I bet.”

“Yes. I spent too much time when I was young questioning everything, asking my fellow villagers why the gods behaved as they did. They’d snarl and tell me to find something else to do. I was an inquisitive youngling.”

“Curiosity is a wonderful thing. We should explore our world.”

“Unless it irritates your fellow villagers,” I said with a low laugh.