“You fought back.”
“Always but they were bigger than me.”
“Where was your grandfather when all this happened?” It was all I could do not to snarl.
“Busy with his traedor duties and training Firion.”
Not protecting him as he should, then.
“Some would say it’s a privilege to grow up with a parent or grandparent leading a clan,” he said. “But I found it . . . challenging.”
Kids could suck. I’d faced my own share of bullies, but I was cocky and well-trained enough by my mom to smack them down the first time they got in my face.
“I fought back,” he said with a hint of defensiveness. “But often, there were too many of them.”
My heart hurt to think they’d been mean to him, maybe holding him down while others hit or poked him.Scarredhim.
“It did stop,” he said quickly.
“When you fought back?”
“One time, Firion came across them when they . . . Well, he showed them never to hurt his younger brother again.”
I’d liked Firion right away, but my heart warmed to him further. I was glad Nevarn had someone to stick up for him.
I massaged his thighs, taking care not to rub too hard on the thicker scars.
“Some of my wounds came from creatures I fought in the forest,” he said. “When I was forced to leave my clan, I went to the mainland. I’d been to shore a few times, but the world is different there. So many tall trees and beasts that don’t hesitate to attack. It’s a wonder we survived.”
“I’m glad you weren’t alone.”
“We took a trail through the forest, and that’s when the god protector of the woods called out to us. She invited us to join her, saying she missed the days when the gods had catered to the needs of Zuldruxian warriors and received praise in return. We were wary at first, but she soon showed us she meant us no harm. We’ve lived in the homes she gave us since.”
I couldn’t wait to meet Helena, to thank her for watching out for Nevarn and his clansmen.
“Most people only see the scars on the surface,” I said. Rising up, I cupped his face gently. “For you, I think they sink deeper.”
It was hard being a person who felt everything. It was time to show this male that he had value.
Staring into his eyes, I stroked his shoulders, moving my fingers on to his chest and downward. His small cock hummed, a low thrum vibrating through the water, but I focused my attention on his main cock. I wrapped my fingers around it. Funny how he worried it was too small when I could only note how large it was. How amazing it was going to feel deep inside me.
My mouth followed my fingers, and I kissed across the muscles rippling on his belly. His cock remained beneath the water, but that didn’t deter me. I drew in a deep breath and sunk beneath the surface, replacing my fingers with my mouth.
His body stiffened, his hand stroking my hair. I sucked, taking as much of him as I could. For a human, he’d be considered huge. I couldn’t take him all.
His hands rushed to my arms, gripping them, and he tried to tug me up out of the water, but I was lost in how amazing this felt, how much I wanted to do this for him. Others had scorned him, but I never would. I was going to spend the rest of my days showing him how special he was.
As I pumped my head up and down, taking him in before pulling him out, I ran my tongue across the tip. I was greedy, unable to get enough. Who needed to breathe when I had him right where I needed him most?
I roamed my hand across his abs, around to his ass that I squeezed. I adored everything about this guy, and I wanted to make sure he knew it.
His hands on my arms became urgent, and he tugged me away from his cock while I whimpered.
My head burst above the water, and I sucked in a deep breath of steamy air.
“Kerry,” he growled. “Don’t do that again.”