“Let’s get into the tub,” she said. “And see what happens after that, okay?”
Moving around her, I started the water, and it soon filled the tub to the brim, steam coasting across the surface. My hands shook, but I was nervous about what she might say.
“Where does your water come from?” she asked, leaning close to study the faucet.
“From deep within the island, but we also collect rainwater. It’s heated by sunlight in a central location and brought to each bathing area.”
“Much like back on Earth, though we don’t necessarily heat our water with the sun. Some people have solar panels, and solar farms are being built all the time, but most of our water is heated with electricity. I guess generated by the solar fields, though from other sources too. Someone even found a way to harness lightning.” She frowned. “That’s not right, but they somehow discovered how to generate something similar. We buy the energy, and it’s fed into our homes through wires.”
I couldn’t imagine anything like that.
And I forgot all about it when she started to remove her clothing, her tunic first.
She was tiny compared to me, and her lush frame held curves that made it impossible to look away.
“You have two breasts,” I said, my voice deep and husky. “They jiggle when you walk.”
She looked down at them. “You have four nipples, so I assume your women have four breasts?”
“Yes. A tube projects from beneath them to nurse our younglings.” I hadn’t seen the tubes, of course, but that was what I was told.
“We use these.” She lightly pinched the circular buds in the middle of her breasts, and they tightened, puckering.
“Do adult males suck on them?” I ached to do so myself.
Her smile rose, and I adored how her happiness shone on her face. “Sometimes. Women find it pleasurable as well.”
I nodded, unable to drag my gaze away.
“Since you didn’t comment on the difference,” she said. “I assume humans are about the same below the waist compared to a Zuldruxian.”
“I believe so. Yes.” I nodded again, my jaw dropping as she slid her pants down and kicked them aside. I only vaguely noticed that they were absorbed into the floor. If she wanted them back, she only needed to ask, and they’d be returned, clean and folded. But she appeared to like the clothing we’d picked out at the shop. I couldn’t wait to see her wearing a Zuldruxian dress made to fit her tiny frame. “Our females have passages and clits like you.”
“That’s a good thing. You seem to know your way around them quite well.” Humor bubbled in her voice, but it was shared, not anything mocking.
I nodded again. “Yes. I’ve thought about clits and passages a lot, mostly when I was younger.”
Completely naked, she sauntered closer to me, her gaze drawn to my cock lifting the front of my loincloth. “One day, you’ll have to share your thoughts about passages and clits. I’d love to hear them.” She traced her fingertip along my length through the material, and my cock thrust higher, smacking against my abs, leaving the loincloth behind. Her eyes widened. “You’re big, but that’s to be expected.”
“I’m small. You see this already.” Heat poured into my face, and I wanted to turn away. But this was Kerry. If I couldn’t reveal myself to her with trust, I couldn’t with anyone. “I apologize.”
“Why apologize?”
“For my small size.”
Her head tilted. “You don’t look small to me.”
“Weela . . .”
Her sigh bled out. “Are you saying she criticized you for something beyond your control?”
“I couldn’t blame her. My cocks are small compared to other males.” Seeing sadness in her eyes, I hurried to do all I could to dispel it. “I’ll make up for my lack.”
She braced my arms. “Nevarn.”