I couldn’t hold back my shy smile as I tugged my fingers out of her. Lifting my hand, I delicately licked off her wetness. Sweet. My cocks throbbed, aching to find pleasure within her body. Her exquisite taste on my tongue only made me want her more.

She stroked my shoulders and her lips curled up. “Welcome to Zuldrux, huh?” Her laugh tickled down my spine. “You have the magic touch.”

My chest couldn’t expand with pride any farther, but my grin sure could.

“You’re beautiful when you come, mate. Gorgeous.”


“How dare you?” someone cried out from nearby.

I scrambled to my feet and tugged Kerry up, nudging her behind me while I prepared myself to take on whatever threat was challenging us.

The everlipe had stopped beneath the island roots, and they dangled and swayed around us.

Weela’s mother leaped off the vine she was climbing, landing squarely on the everlipe in front of me.

Her hand snapped out, cracking across my face.

Chapter 19


I’d just had a powerful orgasm, and the heady feeling still buzzed through me. I wanted to lay on the squishy everlipe and stroke Nevarn’s shoulders, chest, and take my hands lower. Giggle.

But a Zuldruxian woman had just jumped in front of Nevarn and hit him across the face.

Nobody hurt my man.

I snarled and grabbed my bow, seamlessly notching an arrow on the shaft. One leap, and I stood in front of him, glaring up at a Zuldruxian female nearly as tall and broad as Nevarn. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, wench? Nobody messes with my man,” I snarled, pointing the arrow at her face. At this close range, I would not miss.

Molly scrambled over to stand beside me, rising onto her hind legs and baring her tiny fangs.

The woman’s teal eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. She took a step backward, her hands lifting. “I . . .”

Dropping my bow, I barreled toward her, determined to head butt her off the ginormous stingray, but Nevarn swept his arm around my waist, holding me back. He lifted me, and my feetscrambled through the air, me still trying to seek vengeance on the woman who’d just hit my man.

Hold on.Myman?

Well, weweremated, right? An alien god had decided we belonged together, and while I still wasn’t convinced this was heavenly intervention, it was as clear as the sky overhead that I liked him more than I had any of the guys I’d let into my life in the past.

Nevarn neatly placed me on the everlipe’s back beside him. “Heldwep,” he barked out.

“How dare you touch this . . .” Heldwep sneered at me. “This . . . thing.”

This was one of those times that I wished I was almost six-feet-tall like my mother instead of only five-four. I still wouldn’t meet her eye at that level, but I’d be close.

“Were you following us?” I snarled at her. “Why did you attack Nevarn?”

She frowned. Okay, maybe she wasn’t the one who’d attacked him, but she was still a threat. Another threat to add to the first.

“This is my mate, Kerry,” Nevarn said smoothly. How he found the will to speak politely to a woman who’d just smacked him was beyond me. Would he tug me back again if I tried to kick her? “Kerry? This is Heldwep, my first mate’s mother.”

“Mate?” she barked, latching onto his hand and flipping his arm over.

Nice tattoo.

Oh . . . wait. My bones went melty. He and I were marked mates? Why hadn’t he told me?