“Perhaps. Who’s to say?”
We walked farther in silence, but I could tell by the way his brow kept knitting and how he kept shooting me odd looks, that he had something to say.
Finally, I stopped on the path and lifted my eyebrows.
He paused with me. “Do you need to go behind a bush?”
Not yet. I placed my hands on my hips. “I feel like you’re holding something back, that you need to come clean about something.”
“Clean . . .?” He glanced toward the river on our left. He said it wound all the way to the sea, that we’d follow it to the shore.
“It means saying something you’re worried the other person won’t like.”
“Ah, yes, I’m dirty.”
My laugh snorted out. “Dirty isn’t often used in this context, but I like it.”
He nodded, his brow furrowing deeper. “I have to ask you something, and you’re right, you may not like it.”
“Then tell me. Come clean.”
“When we reach the Dastalon Clan, will you be willing to stay in a residence with me and allow them to believe you accept me as your mate?”
Chapter 14
“For safety reasons?” she said.
That, yes, though it wasn’t my primary reason.
“Or are you worried about your reputation?” she asked.
I wasn’t sure what that was. “Maybe. No. Yes.”
Her laugh snorted out. “Decisive, Nevarn. Decisive. And while I’m not one to boost a male’s fragile pride, I’ll stay with you while we’re visiting the clan. Not only for safety reasons. I’m also not interested in becoming the star of the first episode of Bachelorette, Alien Style.”
“Thank you.” I wasn’t sure what I would’ve said if she hadn’t agreed, though I was correct that the prior traedor might’ve insisted she choose a mate. It was hard to say what the new traedor would do, though he was more open to new ideas than our grandfather.
“When we reach your clan, I think I’ll remain single and adopt at least a hundred groundhogs,” she said.
“You could do that, I suppose. You don’t wish to be mated, to fall in love?”
“I do want to fall in love, but I don’t know anyone but you. Maybe your gods can be talked into sending me back to Earth.”
“I’m sorry to tell you, but so far, they’ve refused. One of the other women asked them to do it, and they told her no.”
“Well, that sucks. Since you’re traedor, will I be forced to pick someone once we reach your clan?”
“Never. Though other than Helena, you’ll be the only female in my clan.”
“Which means I should mate and start producing babies?”
“Again, only if you wish. Our god can make sure you don’t quicken with younglings, if that’s your wish.”
“I told you my people were dying. Without mates, there will soon be no more Zuldruxians. But no one would force you to produce young if you didn’t want them.”