“I’m not sure.” I scanned the bit of sky I could see peeking through the canopy above. “It’s going to rain tonight. The tree agreed to shift branches above us to ensure we’re covered by the canopy.”

“That’s amazing.”

I wrapped our leftover fish and roots in a scrap of cloth and placed them in the crook of a tree branch to keep predators from stealing it. We’d eat this for breakfast. Tomorrow night, we’d dine with the Dastalon Clan, and while I looked forward to getting there and clearing my name, I was unsure how I’d be greeted. Kerry would be welcome, partly because she was female but also because she was a visitor to the clan, and no one was ever turned away.

If nothing else, we should be safer there than in the forest on our own.

“I should be freaking out about this. Why aren’t I?” She wrapped her arms around her waist, hugging herself.

Molly looked up at her and reached out to tap her leg. She stooped down to pat the grundar, and I adored the creature for trying to cheer Kerry.

“You’re not worried about it because you’re tired,” I said.

“I’ve barely slept since I got here. I didn’t dare.” Straightening, her teeth chattered. I doubted she was cold. The air felt balmy on my skin, but I reminded myself that she wasn’t from Zuldrux, and it could be much warmer where she’d come from.

“I’m sorry. Let me help you.” I brushed against the tree, making a request, and a blanket oozed out of the trunk, falling by my feet. I lifted it and approached her cautiously, wrapping it around her shoulders and tucking it together beneath her chin.

She gazed up at me with so much trust I lost the ability to breathe. “Thank you. You’re treating me better than anyone else ever has.”

“As you deserve. You healed me,” I said with a smile. “You protected me until I could do the same for you.” I’d remain awake all night if it ensured she felt safe, though I never slept heavy enough that someone could scale the tree beneath me without hearing them coming.

Biting down on her plump lower lip, she nodded. She’d been strangely quiet after she left the water, and I suspected all she’d been through was beginning to wear her out. How frightening to be stolen from the only world she’d ever known and left somewhere new and dangerous. Only to have an injured male stumble upon her and announce she belonged to him. It was a wonder she hadn’t left me while I slept.

Raw longing shot through me, but I bit it back, unwilling to beg her to care. She’d only recently met me. She trusted me, but it took time to develop a caring relationship.

Would she eventually reject me like Weela had?

My deficiency wasn’t something I could easily bring up, but it was a fact I needed to face.

I could only hope Kerry didn’t scorn me when she found out.

Chapter 13


“Iknow you can climb on your own, but would you let me help you?” he asked.

“Thank you.” She glanced down at her pet. “Should Molly come with us?”

“She’ll be safe here on the ground. This is her home, and she knows where to hide.” As if she heard him, she gave me one long look before she scampered over to duck below the bushes where my clothing had been draped to dry.

“We’ll find her in the morning,” he said, coming over to stand in front of me. He was so much bigger and broader than me. Strong and kind and determined where I felt suddenly weak and pitiful.

“You’re tired,” he said, stroking my hair. “Let me take care of you.”

Did I dare relax my guard enough to let this male in? I looked up at him, reading only caring in his gorgeous teal eyes.

“Would you do all this for me if I wasn’t your mate?” I asked.

“Yes. I would never leave someone unprotected and vulnerable. Not even an enemy.”

“Except the person who stabbed you and stole your things.”

His low laugh rang out. “Yes, I wouldn’t help them.”

“I hope we discover who it is.”

“We will. I appreciate that you want to help me with this.”