“You do?” Her fingers clutched the hem of her shirt as she frowned at me over her shoulder.
“You’re right. You survived on your own for many days. The odds are good you’ll continue to live even if you remain on your own. If that’s your choice, I’ll do all I can to support you.”
“I appreciate that, Nevarn, but it’s not really true. If you hadn’t been with me today, I’d be dead. Molly too, though she was wise enough to scamper into the bushes. If culendars don’t get me, the big purple beast that ate them will. It’s just a matter of time.”
“Not truly. You would’ve climbed a tree today.”
“Maybe. I’m not giving up on myself. You’re right that I’ll do my best to survive, and I have some skills, but how long before something unexpected grabs me?”
Never, if I had my say.
“You’re brave,” I said. “You faced down the culendar and you won.”
“The purple beast bit off the culendar’s head before I could do much damage.”
“You had one arrow left. You wouldn’t have missed that final shot.”
She paused. “That’s just it. I might’ve. And if I was alone, the other two would’ve killed me before I could let loose even my first arrow.”
“Not while you hunkered on a branch high in a tree. I know what you’re saying, what you’re feeling. When we left my clan, the same thoughts crossed our minds. How would we survive when we didn’t have homes to hide inside and only the weapons we carried?”
“But you did, because you had each other.”
“Yes, that’s it exactly.” I took a chance speaking, but the words came from my heart. “You are not alone either. That’s what I wanted to say. You have me, and I’ll stand with you.”
Chapter 11
“Nevarn,” I breathed, not sure what else to say.
He watched me intently; I could feel the heavy caress of his eyes. He couldn’t know my thoughts or how much I ached for the life he was offering. He was close, yet untouchable, and the emotional distance between us made my heart yearn fiercely for what I’d never had with anyone else. My chest tightened with longing, my soul reaching out while my lips stayed sealed. Each moment I spent with him intensified the ache, the expanding gap inside me that I sensed only this guy could fill. There was so much I wanted to say, but fear kept swallowing my voice.
“We can talk another time. Swim,” he said softly. “Enjoy the beauty of this place and this moment.” His hand tightened on his newly crafted spear. “I’ll make sure nothing comes near, that nothing harms you.” He spun around to give me privacy, and that only made my chest hurt even more. This male treated me in a way no one else ever had, as if I mattered. It was a balm to my wounded soul, and because it was new and unexpected, I didn’t know how to react.
I was no seductress. I’d had my share of boyfriends, but I hadn’t felt as if I could let myself go with any of them, because it was hard to trust. I could tell they weren’t “the one.”
I now believed I was waiting for Nevarn.
The thought spooked me, and I made myself focus on removing my clothing and striding into the river, sinking down until water covered my body. I washed my hair, luxuriating in the feel of it being clean, then scrubbed the rest of myself. After tossing my precious tiny bar of soap onto the shore, I floated, savoring the water’s caress and the knowledge that I was safe. I didn’t need to keep my guard up because Nevarn would make sure nothing dangerous came near.
My eyes stung, and I dipped down below the surface to wash my tears away. I silently mourned my mother’s loss but also the closeness to people she’d denied me. I understood why; she must’ve been terrified someone would discover she had a child and use me to get to her. But that meant I’d been raised in a lonely, isolated world.
Here, I could finally break free.
I left the water feeling cleansed both inside and out, but also a touch vulnerable, as if removing the scab covering my emotions left me both healing and raw.
After drying off, I dressed in my only other outfit, one I’d washed in the river the day before and hung on branches to dry. I scrubbed the clothing I’d worn today, taking care not to damage the material.
How long before everything I owned was so tattered it showed more skin than it covered?
Nevarn was right. I couldn’t do this alone. But while that thought should drive me to tell him I’d accept his offer of protection, the soft part of me I’d covered with that scab ages ago said it would be nice to stay with him because I liked him and wanted to stand byhisside.
I wasn’t there yet, though I suspected I might soon be ready to take that step. Would he wait or would he get impatient with me? Time would tell.
I stifled a yawn. While I hiked regularly, I used to eat better than I had since I came here. The lack of calories and ongoing stress, plus the need to remain hyper-alert, was slowly depleting my excess energy stores. Walking all day hadn’t helped.
Molly scampered over to me, her fur dripping, and I rubbed her off with my improvised towel. She wiggled and sighed and even flopped on the ground to roll over onto her back to present her belly for pats. Which I did while she grunted and huffed and gave me groundhog grins.