Tightening her spine, she scanned the clearing. “How big are these lizard people?”

“About my size. They have long claws on their hands and feet.” I held up my hand. “Not blunted claws like a Zuldruxian or a human.”

“They sound fearsome.”

“We respect them, and they feel the same about us.”

She nodded slowly. “If one comes racing across the clearing, bellowing like a banshee, I’ll shoot, and we can talk about their motives after.”

She said the oddest things. I sort of understood them, but I didn’t. Perhaps my mind still spun from my injuries, and she’d make more sense once I was fully healed.

I took another drink of her water. She wouldn’t have to refill the flask. I’d do it for her. It was my role as traedor to assist everyone in my clan, not the other way around. And while she hadn’t yet accepted the fact, she was now part of my clan. “Forget the lizard people. They don’t play a role in my story.”


“When the gods arrived on Zuldrux, they sent their roots down into the soil and various structures erupted from the ground.”

“They must be aliens that came to this planet, not gods, because I don’t think the two are the same thing.”

“My people revered them as gods, and while I agree with your suggestion that they could be beings like me, I’m not convinced. You’ll have to decide for yourself.”

“It’s hard to make a decision about whether a . . . structure, as you called it, is godlike, but you need to know right now that I have my own religion, and I’m not going to be converted to yours.”

“I respect that.” I sucked in a breath and regretted it when agony gouged through me. At least my wound no longer bled, and pus didn’t seep from the healing opening. Whatever Kerry had done for me was working, and I’d show my gratitude for her efforts for the rest of our days. “We lived in harmony with our various gods for many generations. Years ago, a disease swept across the land, killing many of them and most of the Zuldruxians. My people blamed the gods for this and many fled. They lived for a very long time without the benevolence of theirgods, but they were slowly dying. Few younglings were born, and only rarely is one female. It looked like this was the end of the Zuldruxian species until recently.”

“What happened recently?”

“A handful of traedors,” at her frown, I explained, “this means leader. I am a clan traedor myself,” I said proudly. “A handful of them traveled to the central god island where the strongest crystal gods still thrive. They begged for the gods’ help and they agreed to send us mates. Three have already mated with Zuldruxians, and they’re very happy.” I met her gaze. “You were captured by the roo-bee-cops and brought here to be my mate.”

Chapter 5


“Ialready told you I’m not going to be anyone’s mate.” I jolted to my feet, impaling Nevarn with a glare that would’ve made a lesser male cringe.

This one didn’t bother to lift his spear. He laughed.

“Do you plan to kill me, mate?” he drawled. How had he gone from barely able to move to talking to me like he was up to seducing me? Something stirred beneath his pants, drawing my eye, but I dragged my gaze away.

His arousal should make me want to shoot him even more, not toss my bow aside and climb all over him.

What was wrong with me? The guy desperately needed a bath after laying by my fire for two days, and who knew when he’d bathed prior to that?

I’d been without sex too long, that was what was wrong with me. This had nothing to do with this cocky guy. Surviving an unknown world and the heat of the moment was driving my hormones, not interest inhim.

“I’m not your mate,” I growled. “If you try to make me marry you in some convoluted alien ceremony, Iwillshoot you.”

“Please don’t. I prefer my hide without holes.”

I sighted down the shaft of my arrow. “Behave and yourhidewill remain as it is.”

“You can’t harm me. If you do, you risk losing the love of a lifetime.”

“Sounds romantic, but I prefer candles, a nice bottle of wine, and a fine meal before I’ll let anyone haul me off to bed.”

“You’ll soon see.”

How could he sound so smug about this?