Melwarn’s shoulders sagged with relief. “I knew you’d know how to handle this. It’s past time everyone knew who really killed Weela, and I think,” his long sigh rang out, “I believe it was Vair.”
Stunned and still thinking this through, I braced his arms. “Thank you for sharing this with me, for asking questions and for believing me.”
His pensive gaze met mine. “Be careful. I doubt Vair would want anyone to know what he’s done.”
“I will.”
Leaving the shop, I walked through town, still seeking Kerry but thinking about what I’d just learned.
What had Vair been hiding that was so grave he might kill his sister to keep it a secret?
I stopped at Firion’s office, but he wasn’t there. Returning to the market area that was much more crowded than before, I strode around. I wasn’t worried about Kerry—yet—but I’d feel better when she—
“Hey, there you are.” Kerry came up behind me and looped her hand through my arm. “I was hoping to find you.” She lowered her voice. “I have news.”
So did I.
After peering over her shoulder at Khol, she gave me a bright smile. “I picked berries with Marlesta. She’s going to make a treat with them, something that sounded like the cobblers my mom would make when I was little.”
“Marlesta’s an amazing cook.”
“She’s a nice person too. She . . .” Kerry tugged me into a shop and to the right side of the room where we were hidden among huge piles of rush baskets. She dropped her voice to a whisper. “Marlesta told me that Khol was Weela’s lover.”
I sucked in a sharp breath.
The person I’d always considered a good friend looked through the clear pane window at us, and I didn’t miss the concern in his eyes. Had he heard Marlesta tell Kerry?
Rage boiled through me. “Wait here.” I raced out of the shop and leaped onto Khol, dragging him down to the ground. I pummeled him, slamming my fists into his face and chest.
Khol lay on the ground, his hands at his sides, making no effort to defend himself, which suggested he was guilty. Who cared what secret Vair was hiding if I’d found the real murderer? Khol knew I’d caught him, and he was prepared to face justice.
Kerry ran over to stand beside us, her hands fretting at her neck. “Nevarn. Stop.”
I eased back, keeping my hands on Khol’s shoulders, pinning him to the ground. “He killed Weela.”
“I didn’t do it. I loved her!” Sadness shone in Khol’s dark eyes. “I not only loved her, but she also loved me. We were going to run away together.”
“You’re lying,” I bellowed.
A crowd had started to form around us, though no one had stepped forward to intervene other than my mate. They watched and listened, and too many of them directed hateful glares at me.
Khol shook his head, and tears gleamed in his eyes. “I swear I didn’t kill her,” he said softly. “But I know who did.”
Chapter 33
Nevarn eased off Khol, rising to his feet. He glared down at the other male. “Get up and come with me. Don’t try to run because I’ll catch you and seek my justice on your flesh.” His gaze sought mine. “We need to find my brother.”
“We do.” Were we close to revealing who’d killed Weela? Khol denied doing it himself, and he was being honest about his affair with her now. But did he really know who did it?
Perhaps Firion could get the truth out of him.
Khol got to his feet. He peered around at the villagers silently watching us. “Stop being nosy. This doesn’t concern you.”
A few grunted and one male sneered, but they melted away, returning to whatever they were doing before the fight broke out.
“I’ll be happy to go with you.” Khol’s chin lifted, and he met Nevarn’s gaze. “It’s time for everyone to learn who truly killed her.”