“Not that I can think of. I like your idea of setting up an embassy in the Veerenad city and one for them on the mainland. We need to foster better relations with them. If something unexpected happens, this would give us someone to go to if we need input or to lodge a complaint.”

“Exactly. If something bad happens, there should already be a force in place, those who can track someone down and bring them to justice. I’ll make that wish clear during our discussion.”

“I can’t think of anything else. You’ve covered it all.”

“I appreciate your thoughts.” He leaned his forearms on his stone desk. “It’s great having you here. I’ve missed talking with you, spending time together. And it’s wonderful meeting your mate. You’re one lucky warrior.”

There was no missing the longing in his voice and in his eyes. My brother was a decent person. He deserved to find someone to love. I hoped the gods had someone in mind for him and that they sent her to him soon.

“Tell me more about your clan, your way of life.” He grinned. “How in the world can you survive in a dark forest?”

We chatted about my clan god, Helena, and the homes she’d gifted us with. The creatures we hunted and the things I enjoyed most about my forest home. I shared the wonders I’d discovered while living there. The lush vegetation, how it remained cool even during the hottest parts of the summer. I told him about my recently formed treaty with the Indigan and Ulistar Clans and how that meant my clansmales could hunt freely in their territory and them in ours.

“They truly have big pools of warm water inside a large cave system?” he said, skeptical.

“It’s amazing. Honestly, if Helena wasn’t the perfect god for my clan, I’d consider moving in with the Indigan Clan like the Ulistars have.”

“Aizor and Xax always were friends, and the Ulistar Clan is small.”

So was my clan. And we had no females at all. If the gods didn’t send some to us, we’d die out. But Kerry was the first, and things were working out for us. She cared for me, and I suspected when I asked her to remain with me, she’d say yes. Her acceptance and belief in me had balanced my sadness about being banished for murdering my mate. If the gods chose to send my clan other mates, we’d thrive.

Firion stood. “I should probably stroll through the village and make sure no one needs anything from me.”

He was a great traedor, and the example he’d set for me growing up was the one I based my role as traedor on within my own clan.

“I’m going to go find Kerry.” I wanted to show her around the village some more, and we could ask questions while we did it.

Rounding his desk, Firion slapped my arm just like he’d done when we were small, and he was pleased with what I’d done or said. “Yes, go find your mate. Show her how happy we all are that she is here on Zuldrux. You deserve someone who cares for you.”

He knew Weela had not. She and I had been friends before we were told we were mating, but from that moment on, she’d made it clear she resented that she was forced to be with me. I couldn’t blame her for being angry. I also hated that I was given no choice.

“Have you learned anything about who might have killed her?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Nothing other than the fact that she was meeting with one of the clan males on a regular basis. Whoever it was hasn’t given any indication he was with her at that time.”

Since I was banished for her murder, the murderer must’ve considered this finished. They’d gotten away with killing her, and that was all that mattered.

“I’ll let you know if I discover anything else,” I said.


I left and walked around the market, not seeing Kerry or Khol. Had she returned to our temporary home?

She wasn’t there either.

I made sure Molly was content. The little beast was slumbering on the deck in the sunshine, lying on a fluffy blanket provided by the stone god. Leaving, I walked through the village.

I stopped into Melwarn’s clothing shop.

A light breeze skipped through the room from an open window in the back of his shop, carrying with it the scent of the sea. I sucked in a breath, savoring it. I’d missed the ocean, but I loved living in the cool forest and the scents of evergreen needles, flowers, and mulching leaves that permeated the air even more. There was no place quite like the home I’d chosen.

Since Melwarn was busy with customers, I strolled around, selecting a few more things for Kerry.

The outfits Helena would provide would look amazing on my mate, but the stone gods had a distinctively different style, and I suspected Kerry would enjoy wearing both once we were home.

Home. I couldn’t wait to take Kerry there. Despite my worry about what Melwarn might tell me, I couldn’t stop smiling. She cared for me. I had a mate who would stand strongly by my side, one who would soon adore me as much as I already adored her.

I couldn’t wait for our new life to begin.