She wasn’t sure the last time she attacked a man the way she had Jarrett. Or that it felt so right.

Even the fact she’d told him she was on the pill when she’d only had sex without a condom with one other person in her life. Most times she always was double protected.

The pill was more to regulate her, not birth control.

But the love she’d been feeling for him for weeks was her driving force.

The fear she’d had voicing those words flew out the window when he’d said it first. Like they were just soulmates who knew what the other wanted and needed without words.

“Me too,” Jarrett said. “I can cook. You always do.”

“I want more than eggs,” she said, as they made their way to the kitchen. “That is what you make.”

He grinned at her. “How about I make bacon while you do something else? I saw it in there.”

“Works for me,” she said. “I was thinking French Toast.”

She got a pan out for him to start the bacon and then the milk and eggs and bread for the rest of their meal.

“So you’re a natural blonde?” he asked her out of the blue.

She laughed. She wasn’t sure if he’d noticed that or not. She’d been shaving herself bare for a while. He’d never said anything about the fact that her eyebrows were light. Not blonde, but a light brown. That didn’t mean much for people. Even the light hair on her body either.

But pubic hair normally told the real story. Guess subconsciously she was ready to be more open with Jarrett.

“I am,” she said. “Most stylists have different hair colors than what is natural.”

“They do,” he said. “And it’s usually obvious, but yours isn’t. It’s such a natural color that I had no idea.”

“I touch up my roots every few weeks so that it’s not obvious. I didn’t want to have it look like I was trying but wanted it more natural.”

“Have you always been this color?” he asked.

She sighed and knew where this was going. “I’ve been this dark for a few years.”

“Since you moved from Denver?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said. “I’ve been a lot of colors so don’t read more into it. I’ve always been in lots of shades of blonde and brown. I’ve had pink and red and even blue in my hair before. This was a fresh start and I wanted something that didn’t make me stand out. I wasn’t sure where I was going or how people would react to something out there. Here, on the island, a nice natural well-cared-for color is drawing more people in.”

She wasn’t lying when she said that. Bold vibrant colors weren’t necessarily part of the clientele on the island though she had a few of them. She liked to be able to appeal to the masses and showcased her work on her profile that way too.

“Okay,” he said.

“It’s nothing more than that,” she said. “Do you believe it?”

“I do,” he said.

Andi wasn’t sure she believed him, but she wasn’t in the mood to argue.

She bumped her shoulder into his. “Let’s start this year off right.”

“Meaning what?” he asked.

“Meaning I think what we’ve got is good and strong. I want you to ask me things. Ireallydo. And just know I’m being honest with you.”

Which was why she stopped shaving. She wanted to see if he would notice and say anything and his reaction to it.

It was exactly what she thought and was glad to get it out of the way.