“Thanks,” he said. “I don’t want to leave her. Something in the cousin’s voice and the need to get here fast sent tingles down my spine.”
“You think there is a problem?” Mac asked.
“No clue. But something isn’t right. For a guy who said she never calls him, he was quick to say he’d be here tonight and wanted updates.”
“You going to run her prints?” Mac asked.
“No,” he said. “No reason to. But let me know if you find anything at the scene. I’ll send you the location from the ambulance.”
“I already have it,” Mac said.
“Thanks,” he said. He knew he could count on his older brother. “Appreciate it.”
“Don’t overwork yourself,” Mac said. “Just saving you a lecture from Mom. Don’t forget. Dinner on Sunday.”
“I didn’t forget,” he said.
His mother wouldn’t let him.Andmaybe he wanted to spend some time with his brothers and their wives and see how theother side lived since he was filling his days with work rather than finding a partner.
Since he knew what it was like being alone, his gut told him not to let Andi wake up that way either.
“Andi. Andi. Come on, wake up.”
Andi heard a voice in the distance. It sounded like Jack, but Jack was in another state so it couldn’t be him.
Had to be a dream.
One that sucked harsh lemons because her head felt as if Congo drums were beating on it while her achy body vibrated along.
What the hell was going on?
“Open your eyes, Andi. You’re moving and I know you can hear me.”
She listened to Jack’s voice getting louder and guiding her.
She’d always trusted him before and wouldn’t stop now.
With more energy than it should have taken, she forced her eyelids open. What the hell? They felt as if they had ten pounds of concrete on them.
Finallyshe got them popped open and the bright lights had them shutting again and flinching.
She heard noises as if someone was walking in the room and more voices.
“The light is off for now,” Jack said. “Open them again. You’re in the hospital.” His voice was lower and it felt as if he was whispering in her ear. “You’re safe. It’s your cousin Jack. Open your eyes.”
Cousin Jack meant something happened and she had to play along. She at least had her wits to do that.
Her eyes popped open again. “Jack,” she said.
He let out a breath. “It’s me. You’re here in the hospital. The doctor wants to look you over and then we’ll talk.”
She nodded and watched as he stepped back. She turned her head and saw a doctor standing next to her.
“My name is Dr. Hudson Mills. You’ve got a nasty bump on the head. We’ve run tests and haven’t found any other injuries, but can you tell us if anything hurts or what happened?”