“But the beauty of living there makes up for it,” he said.

“It does,” she said. “I’m so glad I found it.”

“So am I,” he said softly. He didn’t think she heard him, but she smiled at him and winked letting him know she heard everything.



The next morning, Andi was up bright and early and watching the sunrise by herself.

She wasn’t sure how she managed to get up before Jarrett or that he hadn’t heard her moving around.

“Why didn’t you wake me?” he asked, coming up behind her and putting his arms around her waist.

She was sitting in the hallway overlooking the living area below, her bare legs hanging between the railings, and watching the sun peeking up over the mountains through the wall of windows. If her butt was cold sitting on the floor only wearing her panties and one of Jarrett’s T-shirts, it wastotallyworth it for this moment alone.

“I didn’t plan on doing this,” she said. “I got up to go to the bathroomandnoticed the time and popped my head out to see if I could see the sunrise. It was beautiful watching it set last night in the room.”

They'd gone up to their room to change and she realized there was a view from the balcony off of their room. Just good timing to be there while it was setting and they stayed to watch it before she went to cook dinner and Jarrett lit the fire.

“It’s beautiful now,” he said. “But I think there is one more thing that is even more beautiful.” He leaned in and kissed her neck. She turned and saw he was only in his boxer briefs.

“Yum,” she said, her hand moving up his thigh, the hair on his leg tickling her fingers. “You’re trying to tempt me back into bed, aren’t you?”

“That hadn’t been my plan, but if you’re willing.”

She stood up with his help and shook her legs off. Guess she’d been sitting there longer than she realized.

“Why don’t we check out the shower together,” she said. “Then we can have breakfast and go feed the farm animals.”

He laughed at her. “We can do that.”

They moved to the big primary bath, and he turned the shower on while she pulled the shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor. Her panties slid down next while he pushed his underwear off too.

He was ready for her as always.

The water was hot, the steam already billowing out between the glass walls.

“This is a nice big shower. I’ve never been in one like this before.”

There were two showerheads, one on each wall, but Jarrett only turned one on. Fornowit was better that way so they weren’t drowning each other.

“The bench is a nice touch on the side here,” he said. “Almost as if it was made for two people to do what we are going to.”

She laughed and stepped under the water quickly to warm up after he’d done the same. She was tapping her finger on her chin. “Why don’t you sit down?”

“I’m game for anything,” he said. But when he sat, he didn’t do what she had in mind.

Rather than her climb into his lap, he yanked her forward by her hips, her lower lips lined up pretty well with his mouth.

“Oh boy,” she said, then let out a moan when his finger slid between her folds, found her slick heat, and moved forward and back.

“One might think you were thinking of me sitting out there,” he said.

“I find that I think of you all the time,” she said. “Not sure if that is a good or bad thing.”

“Never bad,” he said. “Since I’m doing the same.”