“Do you like it here?” she asked. “I’ve heard a lot of people don’t last fora number ofreasons.”

“I do love it here,” Melody said. “It’ssmall townliving but gets busy in the summer. There is a ton to do and if you want to get off the island, it’s not that hard. Just takes some planning. I know it’s not for everyone and the job market isn’t wonderful here unless you’re in tourism.”

“Seems to me there is a lot to offer,” she said. Best decision of the past two years was landing on the map here.

“Yes and no. You aren’t finding as many jobs, but what they’ve got pays so much more. I weighed it in my mind and knew it was worth trying.”

Andi pulled out a brush and blow dryer and started to style Melody’s hair, their voices rising while they talked. “I thought the same thing when I moved here. I thought, wouldn’t it be wonderful to live on an island.”

“That’s a good way to think about it,” she said.

When she was done with Melody’s hair, she flipped the back of it over her shoulders so that her client could see all the shades of blonde.

“I love it,” Melody said. “Thank you so much. I’m in such a better frame of mind already.”

Andi laughed that she was able to do that for someone today, actually lifting her spirits some too.

“You’re welcome,” she said and took the smock off. The door opened and she turned her head to see Jarrett come in with a bag of food. “I’m almost done, Jarrett. You can go in the back if you want.”

Since he’d been here before, everyone knew they were dating. Amanda hadn’t minded either. The other women had people back there with them too.

“I’ll set up,” he said.

“That’s your boyfriend?” Melody asked. “That’s Jarrett Bond.”

“It is,” she said. “You know him?”

“Not personally,” Melody said. “But most know the Bonds on the island. His brother is the chief of police and another is a fireman.”

“Mac and Alex,” she said.

“They come from William’s side,” Melody said. “I’m sure you know that. Not the rich ones.”

She held back the laugh. “I find the whole thing silly. Jarrett and his brothers are very successful and money isn’t everything.”

“No,” Melody said. “That was wrong of me. I shouldn’t have said it. But I’m sure you know that Catherine’s side has a lot of medical professionals and, working in the hospital, people talk. I shouldn’t get sucked into it. I didn’t mean any insult.”

“None taken,” she said. “I get it, but I think being new to the island, none of it makes sense to me. You’re going to get extremely wealthy people anywhere you go, then middle class and working poor and the poor. That is life. That shouldn’t be how people are classified or looked at or judged.”

“Nope,” Melody said. “It’s better to think of it as you’ve got a sexy man that carries a gun and can protect you. I know a lot of women are all about protecting themselves, but maybe I’mold fashioned. Give me the hero any day over the banker or lawyer.”

Andi started to laugh. “I agree one hundred percent.”

She cashed Melody out,gotherself one hefty tip out of it that had her smiling as she walked back to Jarrett. She moved right to him, pulled him up from the chair he was sitting inandplastered a massive kiss on his lips.

“What’s that for?” he asked.

“Because being a hero is much hotter than a banker.”



It’d been a few weeks since he learned about Andi’s history.

Jarrett had to admit he was thrilled that nothing seemed damaged in their relationship, but he was trying to figure out what her good mood was about.

“I know you’re confused,” she said. “What did you bring for lunch?”