“I’ve made them. My father did too. I’m so mad at him.”
“And that is part of your grief right now. You’re mad at Jack too, but he did what he could to protect you. He did the right thing.”
“I can’t believe you’re defending him.”
“I might not agree with what he did, but I can’t fault him either. He was trying to keep you safe.”
“There was no other threat, was there?” she asked. “I know it. I could see it in his eyes. He lied to get me out of there.”
“You’d have to ask him that,” he said. “It’s not for me to say.”
“You asked him, I know you did. You would have figured it out too, but he wouldn’t answer you.”
“It’s not important right now,” he said. “What’s more important is that we get through this together.”
“What is there to get through?” she asked. “I can’t believe you’d want anything to do with someone who has this much drama.”
He snorted. “I’m from the Bond family. The poor gambling alcoholic womanizing side of it. Trust me, I’m no stranger to drama.”
She laughed, but it was forced. “Please. There is no sign of that for generations in your family.”
“No,” he said. “Not for a few years, but it’s there and the talk never ends. It’s part of life.”
Which explained a lot about Jarrett and why he kept to himself. Maybe why he was more of a loner than his brothers seemed to be.
Or still single at his age.
“And my life is a mess.”
“It’s not,” he said. “Don’t think that. I’m glad I know what I need to know right now. I can watch out for anything. Jacksays there is nothing to be worried about. You asked him and I believe it.”
“He wants to come to Boston. He told me last week that there is activity with the Dustin Family moving into New Mexico and setting up there again.”
“I’ll get that out of him when I know you’re okay.”
“I don’t know that he’ll tell you,” she said.
“He’s going to damn well tell me more. I need to know. Not just for you, but if someone was after you and coming here.”
“They aren’t,” she said. “You heard him. I’m starting to wonder if there were even pictures of me to begin with. I never saw them.”
“You’ll have to ask him that. I’m inclined to believe there was at first.”
“I’ll ask,” she said. “I’m not ready to talk to him just yet.”
“Do you want me to tell him to leave?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said. “I’ll talk to him another day, but not now.”
Jarrett got up and left and she heard them talking in the other room but not everything. Just lower voices and then heard the dooropenandclose.
“He’s going to his hotel. He’s here until Sunday. He won’t leave until he talks to you but knows you need some space.”
“You’re going to talk to him without me, aren’t you?”
“I’m not going to lie or keep things from you. Yes, I am. He knows it. He told me where he was staying. It’s Griffin’s wife’s hotel.”
“It seems to me you could have found him even if he didn’t tell you where he was,” she said drily.