“I was coming around the corner to see her when she said that,” Jack said. “I introduced myself as her cousin.”

“In plain clothing?” he asked.

“Yes,” Jack said.

“Jack asked what happened with Leo and I told him. He asked if I felt unsafe.”

“You did,” Jarrett said, assuming.

“I did. Something didn’t feel right. I knew what I heard but had no proof. The more I thought of things, the harder it was.”

“So between both of the things going on in her life you decided to put her in Witness Protection?” he asked.

“The situation with Leo wasn’t enough,” Jack said. “Andi didn’t know we got a threat on her the same day. We were trying to verify the source and if it was credible.”

“You didn’t tell me that,” she said. “Why?”

She was crying harder now and almost shaking. He was pissed for her.

“Because after a fewweeksit didn’t pan out,” Jack said. “But it was best to get you out of there and that is what happened while we looked into it.”

Andi stood up bawling and ran to her room.

“I should get her,” Jack said.

“No, I’ll do it. Answer me this—you put that threat in to get her out, didn’t you? The same day? Give me a break.”

Jack looked at him and didn’t answer, but he knew the truth in the guy’s eyes.



How could so much have been kept from her in life?

Andi slammed the door to her bedroom and lay across the bed with her face on the pillow.

She was crying so hard she felt the ache in her toes.

The fact Jack lied to her made it hard for her to trust anyone.

She turned when the door opened and wasn’t happy to be interrupted but was glad it was Jarrett over Jack.

“Hey,” he said. “Come here.”

She sat up and went into his arms while he held her.

“I’m so messed up right now.”

“No, you’re not. You were handed a heavy blow. It sounds like you’ve been getting them for a few years. You don’t know who to believe or trust and can’t understand why your father would do what he did and risk his life and leave you.”

“How do you know all those things?” she asked, sniffling against his shirt.

“Because it’s exactly how I would feel. But you can trust me. You can believe me.”

She nodded against his chest. “I don’t think I’ve got much of a choice,” she said.

“We all have choices in life, Andi.”