She slid down his legs before he could put her on the bed and start to strip her. Her hands went for the button on his jeans and undid them, then yanked them down fast.
His dick sprang free and, before he could kick off his pants or remove any other clothing, her mouth was on him and her head moving up and down.
“Jesus,” he said. “Slow down.”
She shook her head no, her hand coming up and cupping his balls, massaging and squeezing, her tongue licking the length of him, then her mouth applying pressure.
Her movements and actions were changing up and down so much he couldn’t get a handle on what was going on and before he could stop himself or give her warning he started to come. He was going to apologize left and right for losing control like that, but she swallowed a few times and then looked up and burst out laughing.
“You should see your face right now.”
“Why is that?” he asked. “And sorry for not warning you.”
“I didn’t need warning,” she said. “If I did I would have told you that. Or know when it was coming. I wanted to do it. But your face is red. Are you embarrassed because I made you lose control?”
He wasn’t sure how he felt that she knew him so well.
“Maybe just a little.”
“No reason to be,” she said and stood up. “Got a foot cramp. I didn’t realize I was on my toes so much with these heels.”
He picked her up and gave her a little toss onto the bed, which had her laughing even more.
After kicking off his shoes and jeans,he found the zippers on her bootsandremoved them fast, then tackled her jeans while she was pulling off her shirt.
He removed the rest of his clothing and she reached for his hips and pulled him toward her.
“I need to get a condom.”
“I’m on the pill if you’re fine with it. I am.”
He hadn’t evernotbeen protected before, but with all the baby news and how he was feeling, for once in his life, he didn’t give a damn.
He didn’t answer her, just climbed on the bed,nudgedher legs apart, his mouth found hers and he sank in fast.
What a feeling it was to beskin to skin. Like heat and silk all at once.
Her legs went around his waist again and squeezed him tight, making it hard for him to do any big movements.
It didn’t matter, they were more locked in place and grinding back and forth until she started to come, the pulsing sending him over the edge once again.
He wasn’t sure the last time he came twice that fast in a night and wondered why it even mattered.
Nothing with Andi was normal and he was completely fine with it.
“You know I love you, right?” he said. He just couldn’t keep it in anymore. It might not be the way he planned on saying it, but it was this beast clawing to make its way out.
“About as much as I love you,” she said.
Yeah, everything would always be all right with them.
“I’m starving,” Andi said the next morning.
She didn’t normally sleep that late, but bythe timethey made it to bed and fell asleep it was close to two.