The next morning, Andi got up earlier than Jarrett. She’d felt bad she fell asleep on him when he came back the second time.
When they went to bed, she made it up to him and they both were sleeping within minutes.
She woke before him and slipped downstairs to start coffee and breakfast. She learned that if she got up to shower, he’d get to the kitchen before her.
In the few weeks they’d been staying the night with each other, they’d gotten into a nice routine.
“You didn’t get in the shower first,” he said.
“No,” she said. “Because then you would have come and started coffee. Why don’t you go shower and I’ll get breakfast going. How about pancakes? I’ve got a craving for them.”
“Sounds good to me,” he said. He was in his underwear and made his way closer,gave her a kissandthen she watched his ass as he walked out of the room.
She thought she had a long day yesterday, but it was nothing like he had.
She got everything out to start breakfast and then poured herself a cup of coffee.
Jarrett was in and out of the shower faster than she thought and joined her.
“Anything I can do to help?” he asked.
“I’ve got it,” she said. “Have a seat.”
“Actually,” he said, “I wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh,” she said. This didn’t sound good. “About what?”
“Us,” he said. “I want to tell my mother. You know once I do they will want to meet you.”
“Okay,” she said.
“You’re fine with it?” he asked.
“Why do you seem so shocked? We’ve been dating a few weeks short of two months at this point. Or thereabouts.”
“True,” he said.
“Did something happen yesterday?” she asked.
“Not really. Well, Alex knows.”
“How is that?” she asked. “Did you tell him?”
“It’s a small island. One of the guys on his crew saw us at dinner a few weeks ago. Nothing major there, but then he met Mac early the other day for the house inspection. He was going to get me to go too.”
“And my car was here,” she said. “Got it.”
“Alex wanted to know why I was alone at the wedding.”
“I had to work,” she said. “And dating a few months doesn’t mean you bring someone to a wedding that you probably responded to months ago.”
“That’s what I said. But with the holiday being in a few days, I know we planned it that I’d stay Christmas Eve and then have the morning with you and then I’d go visit my family a few hours and come back...”
“But your mother is liable to want me to go if she knows I’m alone?” she asked.