“It’s all you can do,” he said.

Jarrett went back to his table after that and sat down. The next few hours went by fairly fast. When he felt it was a safe enough time to leave, he took off before the rest of his family.

It’s not like he was going out on the floor and dancing and he had something else better waiting for him.

He pulled into Andi’s driveway and grabbed his bag from the backseat. He was going to spend the night.

“Look at you,” she said, grabbing him by his suit jacket and pulling him in. “Yummy. Damn. I thought you might be hot in your trooper uniform, but this is something else altogether.”

He felt the flush fill his face. “I’ve got a few suits. Lots of weddings in my family lately.”

“I like this suit,” she said. “And I’d like to get it off you too.”

“Do you mind if I take a quick shower?” he said. “I always feel hot and sticky in these things.”

“Sure,” she said. “I’m going to watch you undress.”

He rolled his eyes at her as she followed him to her room. He thought she was joking, but she wasn’t when she sat on the bed and watched him remove every article and hang his suit up.

The whole time she was grinning at him and making him feelself-conscious.

He was getting dressed when he was done cleaning up and thinking he should have just invited her into the shower with him when he heard his phone ringing.

“Here you go,” she said, opening the bathroom door and handing it over.

It was Van and that told him it might not be good.

“Hi, Van.”

“Sorry to bother you,” Van said. “Someone broke into my house tonight.”

“Text me the address. I’ll be right there.”

“You need to leave,” Andi said.

“I do. I need to call Mac too. This isfamily related. An ongoing case and now something happened when we were at the wedding.”

“Go,” she said. “I’ll be here when you return.”

He felt bad but left and wasn’t too worried she was upset about it.

He called Mac and swung by and got his brother.

“You should have called me,” Mac said to Van fifteen minutes later when they pulled in front of Van’s house. Damn, this place was gorgeous, but he shouldn’t have expected any differently.

“I should have,” Van said. “But I think this is connected. Two of my properties now.”

Jarrett had called Mac because technically this was something that happened on the island and would involve local police, but since it was family, with Van seriously dating a Bond cousin, and he was already involved with more going on, it was best to have the state police also.

“You’re sure someone was in the house?” Mac asked.

Van turned to Mac. “Don’t you set traps in your house?”

“Of course,” Mac said.

“Always,” Jarrett said.

“Well, so do I. Someone was in the office looking for something,” Van said.