He couldn’t focus on that though.

Not after what they shared.

She talked about a future and it was what he wanted.

He was honest when he said he’d deal with things as they came. It was the only way he could look or think of it.

“Maybe it was a way to keep you naked for a little longer.”

“I would have stayed that way if you asked,” she said. She rubbed her foot up and down his leg. His dick which had been somewhat satisfied was starting to stir again.

“Good to know for the future,” he said.

“I’m going to cook you a nice big dinner after this,” she said. “Give you strength to wear me out some more tonight. I bet I sleep like a baby.”

“Did you want to stay the night?” he asked. “No pressure. I didn’t know we’d end up like this. I don’t have a ton of food either so we can pick some up and then get you clothes if you want.”

“I’d like that,” she said. “What are you in the mood to eat?”

“I had the best thing imaginable already today,” he said. “Nothing is going to top that.”

She turned her head and looked up at him. She had a big messy bun on her head and it was flopping around with her head movements. “Kind of sweet.”

He squinted one eye. “Only kind of?”

“I’m not used to talking about sex like that. Just doing it.”

“You do it well,” he said.

He wasn’t one to talk about it either. Lots of men did. He didn’t. Even Alex, for as loose as he was with women and not taking them seriously, they all kept things to themselves.

“Why, thank you,” she said. “I was only following your lead and letting my body do what it felt it needed to.”

“Sometimes that is the best thing to do. Go with your gut.”

“Just like I did asking you to dinner weeks ago when you came in to get your haircut. Well, to check on me and then get your hair cut. Admit it. You didn’t need it.”

No use in fibbing at this point.

“No,” he said. “I saw your vehicle and thought I’d pop in. Once I did, I realized I needed an excuse.”

“No excuse needed to stop in and see me now,” she said. When there was silence, she added, “Unless this is supposed to be a secret.”

“It’s not,” he said. “I’m just not used to volunteering much. It’s a small island.”

She laid her head back. “And because you don’t have all the answers you want you don’t want others to know about me.”

“It’s not that,” he said. “Don’t think that. It’s more that once my mother finds out, she’s going to want to meet you. She knows about you.”

“You told her?” she asked. Her head turned again and she was watching him.

“My mother knows a lot of what goes on on this island. More so when it involves her boys. I don’t think I said your name, just what happened that day. Nothing more. But she will ask how we met.”

“Do you think she’ll have a problem with it?” she asked. “I thought you said she’d like me.”

“Oh, she’s going to love you,” he said. “Not sure you’re ready for that.”

His mother was going to eat this up. Someone who understood everything there was about him. Yeah, he might have been waiting a long time for this.