“I bet you would,” he said.

Not that she wanted to meet anyone anytime soon. She didn’t even know if they’d have another date after this, though it was going well.

But the fact he had to know deep down that she had secrets and a hidden past might be too much for him.

Any other man, they might not be as observant.

Jarrett wasn’t going to let too many things go by.

“This lasagna is awesome,” she said. “Time to try the meatball.”

“Do you always eat one thing first before you move on to the next?” he asked.

“No,” she said. “It’s just so good and was easy to eat. I didn’t want to have something that might bother my tooth and not be able to finish this.” She cut into the meatball and said it wasn’t hard like many could be. It had some firmness to it but sliced easily. She popped a bite into her mouth and groaned. “Pure heaven.”

He cleared his throat and she looked at him, then felt her face flush. Guess she was making more of a production of this than she should be.

“They are good,” he said, then pivoted to, “I know you can’t tell me what I might want to know. I’m telling myself that not many find out so much on their first date either.”

“I’m sorry,” she said. It was the best she could do.

“For now I get it,” he said. “But I need to know this. Are you in trouble? Or danger?”

She looked up and stared at him. She wanted him to read her answer in her eyes. “No. I’m not. Not either of those things. Please don’t think it. Jack is just...nervous.”

Jarrett nodded. “Understood. But you’ll tell me if you are in danger or nervous yourself?”

“As aguyI might be dating or as law enforcement?”

“Both,” he said. “If we don’t have any more dates after tonight, then law enforcement. Always that. But I’d like another date.”

Which told her everything she needed to know.

He was still willing to give it a chance.

“I’d like that too.”

Now she just had to make sure her past didn’t cause her to run.



Their next date came on Sunday.

Friday, after he helped her clean up dinner, they talked while they had dessert, but then he was gone by seven thirty.

Jarrett could see the fatigue in her eyes. She’d held back a yawn a time or two.

No, he wasn’t insulted or worried that he was boring her. He just knew that it’d only been a week since her accident and she was most likely still recovering.

He gave her a light kiss on the cheek and then took his leave.

If he wanted to pull her in and give her a deeper more passionate kiss, he kept that to himself.

He was positive she wasn’t ready.

“Are you sure you’re okay doing this?” he asked. “It’s not bringing back too many memories?”