“I know,” he said. “I agree. But around here, you get compared to the other branches. Maybe off the island or out ofMassachusettsit might be different.”
“Do you feel the same way as Mac did? Seems to me he found what he was looking for on this island.”
“I’m not sure what I feel. Both of my brothers did. They are married. Mac has one son and I know you don’t know anyone other than Amanda, who is best friends with Sidney and already knows. I have a feeling you’re good at keeping secrets.”
She smirked. “I think some people are always better than others.”
“True,” he said. “Mac and Sidney are having another baby. Two babies. We found out recently she is pregnant with twins. She’s a twin, so the odds were better there.”
“That’s exciting,” she said. “No kids for Alex?”
“No,” he said. “Not yet. I expect Jennie might be at some point. But that is their life and decision.”
He wouldn’t be one to ask or put pressure on someone. She could tell right away. The same as he wouldn’t want to have pressure on him.
“Back to you. I’m assuming you’re single?”
“I am,” he said. “Have been for a while now.”
“How come?” she asked.
He eyed her. “Will you tell me why you are and haven’t dated since your father passed?”
She let out another sigh while she ate. “It’s simple. I was grieving and moved. I spent a year in Tulsa, which I’m assuming you know. I didn’t know anyone other than Jack and was focused on getting my client base set up and learning the area.”
“Why move here then? Or so quickly if you were only there a year or so?”
“It wasn’t the place for me. You know I’m from Denver prior, I’m assuming. I missed the cooler weather at times. I had no ties anywhere and just thought I’d look around. Who doesn’t dream of living on an island?”
He didn’t deny he knew she was from Denver originally. That could have been changed in her files, but they didn’t because of her medical records.
He laughed. “Lots of people dream it, but the reality isn’t always that wonderful either. Most times the islands they want to live on are tropical ones.”
“I could give or take the heat. I like the seasons to change. Anyway, I found the job here, came and talked to Amanda,founda place to rent.” She looked around her little place. “Then packed up and came here a few months ago.Inthat time, I’ve just been learning my way around and focusing on clients again.”
“I’m surprised I never saw you in the salon before when I got my hair cut. I’d remember you.”
“That’s sweet,” she said. “I always thought I was pretty forgettable. Though with the shiner that is fading, not so much.”
“I’m not sure there is much about you that is forgettable,” he said.
“What’s the other thing with your mother? You said there were two things.”
“Oh,” he said. “That she likes the woman and gets along with them. She has a soft spot for her boys. All of us. Wants to make sure we are taken care of like she would do.”
Andi lifted her eyebrow at that. “That’s a first for me. She wants you all to have women like her?”
“No,” he said, laughing. “Women that understand us. My brothers andme,wearen’t alike. Not like people might think.”
“True,” she said. “Like snowflakes, no two people are.”
“That’s right. Not sure I want to be compared to a snowflake.”
“It’s meant as a joke,” she said. Since he was grinning, she assumed he knew that.
“I hope so,” he said. “My mother knows her boys well. Sidney and Jennie are perfect for my brothers. Mac needed someone to loosen him up and that was Sidney. Alex needed someone that would keep him in line and not fall for his charm and face.”
“Oh boy. I think I might like your sisters-in-law.”