“He’s still in town,” Mac said.
“Yeah,” Jarrett said. “I know.” He wasn’t surprised Mac was keeping an eye out to see when Jack left. “He came over on the ferry. Must have been dumb luck to catch it when he did since they don’t run as much this time of year.”
“I talked to Egan and asked him to let me know if a flight is booked out. He’d said so far nothing.”
“I’m sure he’ll be gone soon,” he said.
“Did you look into this woman?” his father asked.
“I didn’t,” he said. “Did you, Mac?”
“No. I don’t want to alert anyone or anything if she is in Witness Protection.”
“That was my thought. I know where she works and where she lives,” he said. “I’ll keep an eye on things as much as I can.”
“The same,” Mac said. “I can send a patrol around without being obvious.”
“Enough talk about work,” his mother said. “Neither of you ever get a full day off.”
“I’m off today,” Jarrett said. “I don’t plan on going in.”
“Unless you get a call,” Alex said. “You’re never really off unless you are on vacation andactuallyleave the island. And when was the last time you did that?”
Too long for him to remember. “Does it matter?” he asked. “It’s not like I’ve got a pretty wife or girlfriend to go anywhere with. Most of my single cousins are all hooking up or shacking up.”
“And as long as you continue to use the words hooking and shacking you’re going to stay single,” Alex said. “I learned and you can too.”
Since his brother was known for being a bit of a playboy before he met Jennie, he knew it was best to keep his comments to himself and went back to eating.
It seemed everyone knew in the room and let it all drop.
Jarrett didn’t need to be lectured or reminded of the fact that he was alone more often than not.
“Are you sure you’re fine with me leaving today?” Jack asked on Monday morning.
“Yes,” Andi said. “I’m fine. My headache comes and goes, but they said that is normal. I’m not dizzy or lightheaded. I’m not nauseous. They said that though I was unconscious it was a mild concussion.”
“Mild or not, I don’t care. I still think I should stay.”
“I’m going to call and schedule a check-up with my primary today. I’m going to see if I can get in to see the dentist too. Amanda canceled my appointments for today. I’m going to do that for all of tomorrow and Wednesday too.”
“All week,” Jack said. “Or I’m staying.”
“I didn’t have anything scheduled for Thursday.” It’s not like she had packed days today or tomorrow either. She was still building a client base here. It made it easier when something like this happened.
“Friday will be a full week. Cut me some slack. I’m not stupid.”
“I know you’re not,” Jack said. “I’m worried.”
“There is no reason to be. And if you stay I’m going to giveyoua concussion.”
He laughed. “That is more like it.”
“I’m good. Ireallyam. I’ll watch where I’m going more. I’m going to rest and be bored out of my mind, but I really won’t work. I’ll catch up on some stupid mindless TV and nap because I read that is good for the body too.”