
They wouldn’t question him or anyone. They did their job.

He walked in and saw Andi’s ex sitting there looking at his phone. He glanced up impatiently.

“Why am I being held here?” Leo asked.

The guy looked annoyed more than fearful. His eyes dropped to the badge and gun at Jarrett’s hip. “Your name was flagged when the ticket was purchased,” he said.

“Flagged why?” Leo asked. “No one will answer that. And who are you?”

“Investigator Bond with the State Police.”

“Am I under arrest for something?” Leo asked. “I’m here on vacation and was going to the casino for the day. I don’t even have luggage with me. It’s all in my hotel. I wanted to just leave and they told me I couldn’t.”

He wasn’t buying it. It was too neat, but he couldn’t say a lot more either. If the guy had no clue Andi was alive, the last thing he wanted to do was alert him to that fact.

“When you’re flagged by security, they need todo a search,” he said. “I was called in and I’m trying to get to the bottom as to why. Maybe it’s a misunderstanding.”

“So you have no idea?” Leo asked.

“Why are you in Boston?” he asked. “Just a few questions.You flewin yesterday from California? Work, pleasure?”

Leo frowned. “You know my flight schedule, but you don’t know why I’m detained here. Don’t you think if there was an issue, I wouldn’t have been able to get on a plane?”

“Could be,” he said. “We’ve got people looking into it right now to get this cleared up and get you on your way. I see you’ve got an arrest in your file.”

“Those charges were dropped,” Leo said. “It was a mistake.”

“Most don’t take too kindly to people being associated with fentanyl and drug trafficking.”

“I’m not a dealer. I’ve never been a dealer,” Leo said. “I made some mistakes with paperwork.”

“Is that what it’s called now?” he asked, leaning back in his chair. Let that slip when he shouldn’t have, but he’d see how the guy reacted even without words.

“Do I need to call a lawyer?” Leo asked.

“You’re not being charged with anything. We are just having a conversation,” he said. Though he damn well didn’t want this guy out of his sight and wasn’t sure he could hold him much longer. His phone went off with a text from Jack to bring up the loss of his pharmacist license. “But I’d think losing your career over that mistake didn’t sit well with you.”

Leo’s face turned red. “I worked hard to get there and it’s all gone, but that has nothing to do with me wanting to take a vacation.”

“So you’re in Boston to blow off some steam? There are a lot of casinos closer to California than the little one on Amore Island.”

“I’m beginning to see that,” Leo said. “Maybe I came here looking to meet someone?”

He felt his heart rate pick up. “Do you want to share the name of that person? Maybe we can let them know you’re running behind.”

“No,” Leo said. “It’s not a crime to meet people.”

“It isifthey are criminals themselves. Are they on the island already?”

“I’m not sure,” Leo said.

“Well, you’re going to have to stay here a bit longer while we check on a few more things. If you want to reach out to that person, go ahead. Maybe we’ll get this cleared up by the time the next ferry is ready to depart.”

Over his dead body, but he could see he wasn’t getting anywhere and thought if he tried to be accommodating it might help some.

He got up and walked out and moved into the room to see Jack.