“Leonard Birch just bought a ferry pass in Boston.”
A month later, Jarrett was in his SUV when his phone rang. Seeing Griffin’s name always made his heart race. This was more than racing—this was an all out sprint over the words.
“What?” he asked. A few weeks ago he couldn’t let his gut settle down and met with Griffin. He’d told no one what he was doing. Not even Mac.
He didn’t want it to blow up in his face, but he was glad he’d filled Griffin in to just flag several names and faces on the docks. That was all he wanted for now.
He didn’t expect to ever get a hit. Least of all Andi’s ex.
“He’s on his way to the island?” he asked. His speeding heart forced his foot down on the gas and he took a turn to get to the docks to make sure he was waiting there when the ferry pulled in.
“No,” Griffin said. “I got a hit on the name, I went back and found where he came in and I couldn’t get an exact facial match. He wasn’t facing the cameras well enough. When he boards I would know for sure.”
“I don’t want him on the ferry,” he said.
“Which I assumed,” Griffin said. “I flagged him right away, security has him in a room and told him they needed to go through his vehicle before he could board. They are dragging it out.”
“He’ll miss the ferry,” he said, looking at the clock on the dash. “It’s leaving in ten minutes.”
“That’s the plan,” Griffin said. “It’s the best I can do right now.”
“I appreciate it,” he said. “I’ll keep you posted if I need anything else.”
Jarrett never told Griffin why he wanted Leo and members of the Dustin Family flagged. Even some of Leo’s friends back then.
Guess going with his gut was the right move.
He called Jack next. Jack would get to Leo faster. Jarrett could get on the ferry when it docked here and return to Boston on it.
“Is Andi okay?” Jack asked right away.
“She’s fine. Leo Birch is in Boston and being detained by security at the docks.”
“What?” Jack asked. “How do you know?”
“I told you we have resources that you don’t even have access to,” he said.
“Shit,” Jack said. “What the fuck is going on? Leo met me that once and got my name. Nothing more. If I show up there, he’s going to suspect something. This could be a coincidence. I should see if I can find out when he got here and how long he might be staying.”
“Already have it,” he said. “I’ll text it to you. He flew in last night. He has no hotel reservations on the island. At least none under his name that we could find right away. The plan is to not even let him here. I’m going to get to Boston fast. It’s probablybest if State Police talk to him. It’d make more sense than you or even Mac.”
He was going to call his brother and let him know what was going on but didn’t see the need for Mac to go over just yet. He’d rather his brother stay on the island where Andi was.
“I’ll head down there and wait for you,” Jack said. “Is there a room you can question him where I can watch but not be seen?”
“Yes,” he said. “For now he’s in holding while they question him. They will do a search of him and his car for any weapons. I just hope he’s not the type to push it to be released. We can bar him from the ferry. Bonds own the ferry and have the right to not take passengers.”
“So all ferries to the island are owned by the Bond family?” Jack asked.
“Yes. And unless he finds another way over by air, he won’t make it via Bond Charter.”
Jack laughed. “You’ve got that island almost surrounded or protected. I just thought you were bragging before.”
“I told you we protect what is ours,” he said. “Speaking of the charter, I’m going to try to get there that way.”
“Keep me posted,” Jack said. “I’m going to swing over there. Make sure Leo stays put. I hope it’s a vacation, but I don’t buy it. You’re not telling Andi, are you?”
“And worry her? No way,” he said. He hung up the phone and drove to the airstrip. If Egan or Lincoln were in the air, they wouldn’t answer his call. Best to have the people in the office reach out to them.