He’d had more than one conversation with Mac about this and been told he had to figure out a way to move past it or he was going to push Andi away.

He didn’t think he was overbearing with it as much as it was eating him up inside and he was keeping it to himself.

Which wasn’t any better either.

And at the end of the day, he brought her back to her place. “Did you want me to stay tonight?” he asked.

“No,” she said, grinning. “Jack is going to call later and check in on me. Unless you need to be here for that call?”

It was the smirk on her face. “I don’t. Just thought you might like some company. Could be I’ve gotten used to being with you.”

She put her arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “I’ve gotten used to being around you too,” she said. “But we talked about this. It’s been less than five months we’ve been dating. It’s too soon to move in with each other or even spend more than a few nights a week.”

“I know,” he said. “It’s just when you know, you know.”

“I get it,” she said. “But there is no reason to rush anything either. When people rush it doesn’t always work out. It’s better to let it play out the way it should.”

He knew she was thinking of her parents. She rarely talked about her mother and he could guess why.

He might not want anything to do with a parent who abandoned him either. Not to mention her mother thought she was dead and only wanted to know if there was any life insurance.

“Maybe I’m getting old and don’t think time is on my side.”

Her eyes got a bit sad. “Don’t say that. I already struggle with the fact my father died too young and that your job is dangerous. But I don’t want to rush either. I don’t want to feel pressured to do something for that reason.”

He let out a sigh. “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t or shouldn’t do that to you.” At least on purpose. It hadn’t even occurred to him she’d feel this way.

“I know and I didn’t say that to make you feel bad. Jarrett, I’m in a really good place in my life. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to say that a few years ago. Maybe there is a tiny part of me that is afraid if I make another big change it will hurt what I’ve got with you.”

“Never,” he said.

“You’re probably right, but I also need to work that out on my own. I worry that my life will never be stable. Do you know how hard it is to let yourself go and fear that something is going to happen to yank it all away again?”

“I do,” he said.More than you realize.“But it’s not going to happen. I’m not going to let it.”

“I know you believe that. So does Jack. I just need to believe it myself. Give me time.”

“You’ve got all the time you need,” he said, giving her one more kiss and then walking out the door.

He just had to hope he was convincing when he said that and realized that maybe his brother was right and he needed to get a grip on things.



“How was your holiday with Jarrett’s family on Sunday?” Jack asked two days later.

Andi was surprised he hadn’t called her on Sunday night like he’d said he was going to. He’d texted instead and said he was going out to eat with a few single guys at the Tulsa office.

She wondered if Jack really didn’t want to move to Boston and she had this guilt on her shoulders that he only did it for her and there was no reason for it.

Or was there a reason and no one was telling her?

That was even worse.

She had to get to the bottom of it because if anyone was keeping things from her again she’d go up one side of their asses and down the other and she’d make that very clear.

“It was nice,” she said. “I love his family. His parents are wonderful. His brothers too. Very helpful to each other. You know Mac just had twins and recently moved around the corner from Jarrett. They all helped get the house ready before the births. Now Sidney’s parents are coming to town for a few weeksand her father and Jarrett’s father and brothers are going to redo the kitchen. It’s just nice how they come together like that.”