“It’s…it’s okay. I want this.”

It was all I needed to hear, and with that, I threw caution to the wind and indulged myself. I’d have quite the story to tell my brothers when I got home. And, of course, I’d be spilling the beans about exactly none of it.

This was just between Emory and me, and it was going to stay that way.

Chapter 3 - Emory

The blissful comfort I had been enjoying abruptly crashed to a halt when I realized that my bedroom had room-darkening curtains and that the sunlight would not affect me if I were there.

I sat up with a jerk, looking around myself and letting my eyes adjust to the dim light. I was in a moderately comfortable bed, a slim comforter in all white covering my naked body, and next to me was a man.

A very naked man. Oh, shit.

My heartbeat zoomed up again, renewed shock taking over. I’d slept with that guy from the bar last night.Nikolai. I was still at his house, and I had my first fucking appointment with my patient in…

I grabbed my phone from the pocket of my slacks, which had been discarded on the floor.

Dammit. It’s five-thirty. My appointment is in two and a half hours, and I still need to get across town, shower, and then back down to my office.

Anxiety swelled in my chest, making it feel constricted and weighed down. I needed to get the hell out of her and back home to get ready. As more of my brain came online, a booming plethora of thoughts surfaced, fueling the panic that was rising in my blood.

That was your first time, Emory. That…oh my God, you lost your virginity to a damn stranger. Christ.

Familiar embarrassment hit me as I remembered that I’d been carrying around that V-card for a long while now. I’d finally lost it, and I’d thankfully beaten my half-hearted guess that I’d probably get to my thirties and still be a virgin. After graduatingcollege without even a boyfriend, I’d assume spinster territory was practically at my doorstep.

Oh, don’t be so dramatic, Emory.

Shaking myself out of the thoughts with a sigh—closing my eyes and throwing up my hands in surrender too—I started to slip my legs out from under the covers. A gentle groan rumbled softly through the air, and I looked over my shoulder at Nikolai.

My chest pinched, a futile desire to stay in bed with him, trying to keep me from leaving like I should. That was not an option, though. I knew it when I started this. Last night…last night had been incredibly special, and I really liked Nikolai, but it was two ships passing. It wasn’t designed to last.

He was still sound asleep, and I felt terrible about leaving him without saying anything. I got the feeling that Nikolai was about as familiar with one-night stands as I was. He’d been plenty confident behind the wheel but also made sure I was okay with what was happening, taking his time.

That wasn’t typical behavior for a chronic player or ladies’ man.

I put my hand on my chest, gazing down at Nikolai, and whispered, “I swear that was amazing. It was perfect. I’ll never forget it.”

He barely stirred, and I slid from the bed to retrieve yesterday’s clothes and pull them on. I needed to hurry back to my place to change, and I couldn’t dally anymore if I wanted to avoid being late.

Still, I felt this strange urge to leave Nikolai with something.

Once dressed, I shuffled over to his side of the bed, snagging his wallet from his pants. A small, zippered section was inside, and I opened it up to drop my ring inside. It was just a pretty piece of jewelry I’d bought for myself ages ago, the tan line on my finger glowing a paler color to prove it.

Slipping the silver band inside, I zipped the pocket closed again, happy with the knowledge that Nikolai would smile one day when he found it. Then, without another word, I rushed out of the house, closing the door gently behind me, and went straight for my car.


“Morning, Antoinette. Sorry, I’m running a bit behind today. Has my eight o’clock showed up yet?’

The receptionist smiled up at me, setting down her cup of coffee. “No, you’re all good. Don’t tell me you let those nerves get to you. You’re going to do great.”

I chuckled lightly, my smile a little forced as I worked to school my expression away from looking guilty. I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong by enjoying myself last night, but I still wasn’t going to blast it all over the office.

“No, not at all. Just overslept a bit. I’m going to head back to my office. Just buzz me when the patient arrives.”

“Can do.” Antoinette faked a salute, and I turned away to take the long hallway down to my office.

I locked the door to my office, relieved I’d made it on time. Crossing the room to my desk, I opened the large bottom drawer and tucked the black handbag inside. Next, it was time tofire up the old computer and prepare the room for Mr. Ustinov, who would be arriving any minute.