Ivan pulled out a pair of binoculars and scanned the top of the building across from us. “Doesn’t look occupied. Just be careful.”

“I always am,” the TalkBack asserted for me, and I smirked at Ivan as I slipped out of the car without a sound.

The side of the building still had an escape ladder, though I didn’t trust it to hold my weight without issue. So, I snagged the climbing gear from the trunk to make sure I would have a secure way to scale the building. I was already packing, and I grabbed a small knife to tuck into my boot and a set of night vision goggles to ensure I wouldn’t get caught off guard again.

Hurrying across the tiny bit of open expanse before I hit the shadows surrounding the building, I was deadly silent as I approached the warehouse. Sneaking was my specialty, and I channeled every ounce of training I had into being as unnoticeable as possible.

Thanks to the escape ladder and climbing gear combo, climbing the roof was a sinch. I was able to set up an anchorfor myself quickly, and the old steps were surprisingly stable. Pulling myself up over the lip of the roof, I rolled onto the flat surface on top of the building. I paused before moving again, listening for signs that I’d given away my position.

Nothing. Good. Okay, let’s see what we’ve got.

Crawling across the rough roof surface, I made my way to the large skylight in the middle of the open expanse. I looked down into the warehouse's one-room setup, and I could see my enemy stationed in three clusters below.

Texting Ivan what I saw, I clocked the people standing right near the front entrance, the group at the back, and the three men stationed around Emory.


She was tied to a chair and positioned to face the front entrance where the Italians hid themselves. No doubt they wanted me or all of the Unholy Trinity to enter there, experience a bit of threatening, and then get shot. Emory would have to watch the whole thing, and from what I could tell, she was gagged.

I couldn’t make out the exact details, but the shape of her hair and the lighter streak through the dark waves at the back suggested that she had something tied around her head. It could have been a blindfold, sure. But I had a feeling that Mr. Head Honcho down there would want her to be able to see him kill us and not scream.

Hmm, I don’t like that they’re so close to her.

Studying the scene below me a bit longer, I pulled out my phone again to text Ivan. I needed the people inside distracted long enough for me to spring Emory and get us the fuck out of dodge.

“There’s three near Emory. I want them gone. Stage a boom at the front door? And more for the entire place once I’m out.”

I got a response in just a few seconds.

“Excellent. Abe will be so much easier to deal with if I let him blow something up. Can do. Give us five.”

Five minutes seemed like an eternity to sit up here and not get to Emory, but I could be patient. I had to be. To distract myself and because it needed to be done, I hoisted myself up to an anchor secured to the top of the roof so that I could drop in through the window. I needed to time the crash through with the boom, so I kept an eye on the front door from up here. Looking for Abe to run out of range would be my signal to get ready.

Sure enough, I was ready and waiting when Abe and Ivan hauled ass toward the building and set charges around the entire place. Their last stop was the front door. I watched, my spine pinging with constant impulses to run, to move, to fucking get this goddamn show on the road. Ivan was out of there first, and Abe was undoubtedly lighting the fuse since thatwashis favorite part.

After a second or two, Abe ran back toward the car, and I counted in my head.

One, two, three, four, five.

Just as I got there, the rumbling started, and I jumped. The boom of glass breaking and doors exploding at the front of the building drew people there and masked the sound of me punching through the roof.

I left myself enough rope to drop down just a few feet to the floor when I unclipped my harness. Going immediately for the piece tucked into my hip holster, I pulled out my Glock.I tracked around the area to ensure no one was looking to interfere with my plans. Thankfully, the coast was clear, and I rushed forward past the pile of crates I’d landed behind and silently hurried to Emory.

Tapping her on the shoulder, I held up my hands when she flinched. Emory’s eyes went wider than I’d ever seen when she realized it was me, and then tears quickly glossed over her deep brown eyes. I tried to offer a smile, but we didn’t have time for pleasantries.


I stuffed my gun back in my waistband as I knelt in front of her. Then, I reached around her head and untied the gag I’d correctly pegged before landing. Emory spat on the cracked cement floor.

“Ugh, that was so fucking gross. Get me out of here.” Her voice was hushed, but I could sense the terror coursing through her. “I’m tied to the damn chair. And my arms are bound.”

I nodded, pulling out my knife and sawing through the ropes that held her to the chair first. It was taking much longer than I wanted, but eventually, they snapped free. There was still chaos near the front door, and the entire building had emptied of Italians who’d run to see what the fuck was going on.

Pulling Emory up, I yanked her along as I sprinted toward the back door. We could worry about her hands later. Right now, I needed to focus on getting us out of here.

But as we rushed past the crates, Emory’s foot hooked a pipe that lay on the ground. When she kicked it, the sound boomed through the warehouse, and then several crates fell to the floor, adding to the clamor.
