As Emory clung to me with one hand, her other circled behind her head, where she wrapped it around my neck. She gave herself over to the thrusts, and it was just what I wanted.
But I also wanted more.
Releasing her nipple, I took Emory’s hand, guiding it down between her legs to her clit. I put my fingers on top of hers, maneuvering them to stroke and rub over the sensitive flesh. Emory picked up on the hint, working herself, and her hips bucked as her nerves sent shockwaves of sensation through her.
“Ugh,” I growled low in her ear, my own release so damn close.
I kept my hand hovering over Emory’s, loving how I could feel what she was doing to herself. As I drove my hips forward, fucking her with abandon, everything pulled up tight. I was right there.
“Em—” But the barely audible whisper cut off as I groaned, my cock twitching as the climax crested over me.
It was blindingly intense, and I pumped myself into Emory’s pussy as far as I could, filling her up with my spend. Shecried out once more as her fingers moved like lightning, rocking her over the edge again.
The world was gone, and it felt so fucking good.Shefelt so good.
And then, the world began to slow back down again, and after just a moment, Emory and I both collapsed onto the rug, tumbling to our sides.
Some time had gone by, but I wasn’t sure how much. I’d carried Emory and our shit to the bedroom at the back of her apartment, careful not to aggravate my wound anymore than I already had. We lay down in the quiet room to catch our breath. The mood was this strange combination of fulfilled and relaxed while also being awkward and unsure.
I’d always been okay with letting a room hang in silence, but for whatever reason, I couldn’t do that now, and I reached for Emory’s phone that I’d tossed on the nightstand.
“What is it?”
Emory looked over at me with a tired furrow on her brows. I smiled back, holding up a finger while typing a message.
“That was amazing. Just as amazing as before. And I’ll admit that you did get me thinking. Isolated, right? Yeah, I feel that. I never felt much like I belonged to a real “family.” My dad was an asshole, and my brothers mostly shooed me away from what was going on. So, yeah. Isolated.”
Emory read over the words and then looked up at me. She pushed herself onto her elbow and held my stare even as she briefly chewed her lip.
“It sucks, huh? You said your mom died. Is she…was she the only one you felt close to?”
I nodded and then typed up my response.
“Yeah, she was. She was really the only person who seemed to care about me. I connected with her. Probably the way you should with both your parents. When she died, yeah, that was sort of it for me. I couldn’t get over what had happened, what I’d seen. It was like a giant hole had been torn through me. A permanent one.”
I’d looked off to the side as Emory read the message, so I didn’t see her reach for my cheek. When I felt her there, the smooth skin of her palm warm against me, I met her stare again. She wore a sorrowful expression, but it wasn’t pity—just… sadness.
“I’m sorry, Vlad. Truly. No kid should have to go through that.”
I shrugged, choosing the way of self-depricating humor as always. Emory forced me to look at her again, though, and when she met my eyes, I was struck by the intensity of her empathy. It felt odd to be under all that, and I cleared my throat, reaching for her phone again.
“It is what it is, right? You can’t change the past. And I’ve gotten closer with those assholes who dragged me here. Despite how much they drive me crazy, I do care about my brothers.”
Smiling after reading the text, Emory cocked her head to the side before a yawn snuck up on her. She opened her mouth to speak, but I touched her lips.
It was the closest I got to speaking, and I shook my head with a grin, holding out my arm so that Emory could lay down next to me.
She snuggled into my side, and I wrapped my arm around her. Having her next to me felt right, and I didn’t want to examine how messed upthatwas. This was just for tonight, after all. It was safest for her if I got out of her life; even Emory knew that now.
It wasn’t long before we both drifted off, the aches and pains that constantly hummed in the background fading as I slipped into unconsciousness.
But then the crash of broken glass startled us both out of our sleep.