Page 22 of Until Then

I take the kid in my arm, tucking him against my side, and handing him one of myWicked Darlingsaction figures I keep just for him, then pinch his sides all to get him to let out his breathy little laugh.

I love this kid.

“What time is it?” I ask my brother.

“Almost eleven. Vi’s making brunch for you since you missed pancakes.”

“You made pancakes and I slept through it?”

“You looked hammered.” Rees sits in the chair in the corner from my bed. “So, you going to tell me about her?”

“I already have.” I kiss the top of Jude’s head, flashing him a quick I love you sign—because he needs to know.

“Dude.” Rees’s face sobers. “You called me after you met her and talked like I’ve never heard you talk before. It’s okay to say you got hurt.”

My jaw pulses. “It’s just . . . dumb. I don’t even know her.”

“Yeah, and I didn’t know Vienna once, either. I met her in that elevator, thinking it would be a hot moment, and I’d never see her again. I couldn’t shake thoughts of her after that first night. Sometimes a connection happens unexpectedly.”

I cover Jude’s ears. “Your kid doesn’t need to know about his parents’ raunchy elevator escapades.”

Rees chuckles. “You found her again, man. That’s all I’m saying. What are you going to do with it?”

“She doesn’t want me,” I say in a low voice. “She wanted normal Noah. Not a guy on the screen.”

Rees leans forward so his elbows are on his knees. “I think you’re wrong. She could’ve pretended like she didn’t see me, but she called me out, thinking I was you. You’re still under her skin, we all could see it.”

“Yeah, you all conspired in fifteen seconds to pair us at the wedding.”

“Hey, her lawyer friend was all for it too. She knows her and wouldn’t do it if she didn’t feel anything for you.”

A lawyer? Makes a bit of sense, the woman looked ready to go on a tirade in Hayley’s defense. Except whenever unicorn was used.

“You didn’t tell us her name, but you knew it. You knew she was involved in a ranch,” Rees says. “Are you really going to tell me you didn’t know how to find her all this time?”

I’m glad my door bursts open, halting my response. Vienna beams and chatters, likely thinking she’s distracting me, and insists we all eat brunch on the balcony so Jude can chase the seagulls that land on my railing.

I follow with a forced smile for my nephew’s sake—he’s never really seen me when the cloud takes hold—and tuck my phone deep into my sweats for good measure.

If Rees somehow broke into my phone he’d have his answer. I’ve known where Sweet Cream Ranch has been all this time.

I’ve known Hayley Foster, DOT specializes in spinal injuries, traumatic brain injuries, debilitating anxiety, and other mobility struggles with her clients.

I’ve known where she was all along, but what was I supposed to do? Show up like a creep and demand she speak to me?

Not saying the thought didn’t cross my mind, but I do have some self-control

Still, maybe Rees is right. He would know. Fate or the universe, tossed him back into Vienna’s path years ago, now they’re disgustingly in love and inseparable.

Maybe now, it might be my turn.



“Nice of Briar to have us at the dinner.” My mom fastens a nice belt around her bodice, cinching her narrow waist.

I smile and smooth the static on the ends of my crimson curls. Briar’s pre-wedding dinner (she’s not calling it a rehearsal because she insists there is no need to rehearse her perfect day) will be filled with more family and friends outside of the wedding party.